An interview with Max Norman

It's great to read an interview with the mighty Max Norman.
this part is funny ;)

"KNAC.COM: So who was originally hired to produce "Blizzard of Ozz"? Chris Tsangarides?

Norman: Yes. I was just the resident studio engineer. We had just built that room and put in a new Solid State Logic board. It was the second one in England. At that time, it was a big deal. I didn't want "Blizzard" to sound like crap. But it didn't sound too good with Chris to start. He was doing some things that we're fundamentally that were really bad like he put the drums in a very low ceiling room that was all concrete. So if Lee hit the cymbal it was like the whole room turned white! It was very ambient and difficult to control. The band were looking a little glum... When Chris would leave the control room, I would replay the tape in the headphones and rebalance the mix to make it sound decent. After one week of that I said, "Fuck this guy." I was tired of fixing his mistakes, he was just not getting it. Then Ozzy fired him and then called me and asked me if I wanted to do the record. And I said "Sure." That's how I ended up producing and engineering that record and the next four.

Thanks, man. Max Norman is the fucking man. Too bad there wasn't any Megadeth stuff there. One of my close friends and mentor was his engineer during the Mega period.
Almost nothing in there on Megadeth. I love the sound of "Youthanasia" - before Dave fucked it up by remixing it. Max was a killer producer, haven't heard anything recent by him though.
yes too bad there's not stuff about megadeth, but I can say that reading that he did a digital album in '86 (the loudness one, right? am I wrong?) it was amazing.
Maybe he was one of the first punchin in and out doing a lot of cut and paste ;)
He's running a computer business ;) oh and Neil Kernon said on here that Max did video editing as well in L.A.
Still listen to loads of his stuff on a regular basis.....had Lynch Mob on in the office yesterday. I spent most of my early teens listening to Max Norman productions: Ozzy, Megadeth, etc so his influence is probably now part of my DNA.

I like his frankness in that article too, nice to hear someone not pull punches. I guess seeing he's now out of the industry (and seems comfortably so) he doesn't have to worry about burning too many bridges at just says what he thinks.

I also think it's interesting that so many English producers (or those born elsewhere that learnt their trade in England) end up making what are viewed as very "American" recordings.
I like his frankness in that article too, nice to hear someone not pull punches. I guess seeing he's now out of the industry (and seems comfortably so) he doesn't have to worry about burning too many bridges at just says what he thinks.

It doesn't matter if you're in or out...It's a misconception that producers and engineers are nice (there are a few nice folks). The music biz (and entertainment in general) is riddled with jerks. It's a tough gig...And it is rock and roll after all.

Max Norman is a genius. Not just musically, but a true "genius". My buddy said that Max would invent shit - not related to recording - in the studio. As far as I know, he never did video editing. He has always been a computer nerd.

Sony 3324's and 3348's (and those Mits beasts) are just like analog tape machines, except they're digital tape. There's no screen involved, so it was just like using the analog decks with more advanced editing features and a lower noise-floor.