An official apology ... Event Program

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
Hey all,

I hope you're having a great time at ProgPower already. I really wish I could be there, but with a 7 month baby AND a new job, I just don't have the possibility of joining you all in the fun. The wife and I will do our very best to show up next year though.

Now - onto my apology. It's with head bowed deep in shame I have to admit to this ... Tomorrow the "Event Program" will be handed out, and I was just today made aware of a mistake that I personally will take the blame for; on the front cover of the magazine you will see the logo's of all the bands playing, well, except for one: Ihsahn. For some weird reason I left in Arcturus' logo and omitted Ihsahn's. I really apologize to the guys in Ihsahn's band and to Vegard himself for this - and of course to any of you out there who might feel I've offended you or whatever by this accident. I have no clue why and how I didn't catch this mistake, but I guess that working long hours doing the graphic design for this issue of the Event Program made me miss out on something this important.

Anyway - on with the show - hopefully you'll all like the rest of the content in the magazine and the CD compilation we've put together for you.

It's ok bro, You just gave us another PPUSA trivia question. :)

Question: What band made the PPUSA XII program cover that Glenn would not piss in their mouths if their gums were on fire? :lol::lol::lol:

Claus, its OK. We all make mistakes. You have more important things to worry about, like your family. Peace.

2 things:

-We WILL be at ProgPower next year. Will. Will. Will.

-Claus does not get much sleep these days either, working full time and this adorable 7 month old of ours, well, he's not a fan of the sleep during the night routine.

Thanks for understanding and hope you all really have a great time this weekend!
Let's string him up for all the world to see! MOOOAAHAHAHA

We just sat down, and noticed it. Heh. I'll tell ya though, my good friend, way worse has happened and the shows still went on! So fear not, knowing we are all still buried nose deep and reading away between bands!
doing the graphic design for this issue of the Event Program made me miss out on something this important.
Cheers, Claus

Quick, get a proof reader on staff, stat!

As one designer to another, Claus, sometimes multiple pairs of eyes even miss things, even at the highest level of the corporate proofing ladder. Weird... but word! nonetheless!
Claus, for the last twelve years I have worked for an office that sends catalogs to the printers and we normally get anywhere form 3,000 - 5,000 copies printed. We have a routing sheet where it has to pass through 6 different sets of eyes to be proofed and let me tell you - WE HAVE YET TO PRINT ANYTHING WITHOUT A MISTAKE! It happens! The program looked great and like someone said before it will be a great trivia question one day!!!!!