An op-ed piece about what Bush has done to make America MUCH LESS safe


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
'The (Stepford) Security Moms'
By Scott Shuster

Driving in this morning I was listening to a piece on NPR about a voting group know as "Security Moms". I guess pollsters are bored with simply making phone calls, and need to spin some analysis into it. Over the years pollsters have attempted to categorize people into various niches in order to explain or rationalize moods.

What I found particularly disturbing is that these women are leaning more towards Bush and away from Kerry because they feel Bush will keep our country safer. Apparently all of the other issues in this election are secondary to national security and safety... and they think DUBYA will keep them safer?!?!?!?!

This just boggles the mind. HELLLOOOO! Have you been paying attention? Ladies, ladies, please... listen up. If you feel that George W. Bush is going to keep you safer, then you're buying the right-wing spin, lock, stock, and barrel. You're actually listening to the Bush and Cheney sound-bites and thinking that it's true. You're being hypnotized into the Bush mentality. You're being brainwashed!!! Did Dubya put a chip in your heads? WAKE UP!!!
Let's review. It was the Bush Administration that got us INTO this mess. As much as they keep trying to blame Clinton for all of the nation's woes, it was Bush who:

* Totally ignored the Richard Clarke plan to take out al-Qaeda when he took office in January of 2001. That plan was devised by Clarke, on Clinton's orders, to systematically take down al-Qaeda with many action items that would decimate Osama's network. When Bush took office, he threw the plan away.
* Threw away the Hart-Rudman plan in February of 2001 to re-organize homeland security which would have gotten the CIA and FBI to talk to each other. Do you think that if the CIA and the FBI were talking to each other in the spring & summer of 2001, some red flags would've been raised about Middle-Eastern men taking flying lessons but not learning how to take-off and land? Oh yeah... red flags WERE RAISED!!!!
* Originally opposed the creation of the Homeland Security department and then embraced it after publicly pressured.
* Originally opposed the 9/11 commission, and then embraced it after publicly pressured.
* Froze like a deer-in-the-headlights for 7 minutes reading "My Pet Goat" after being informed that the nation was under attack.
* Went on vacation for the entire month of August amid a sea of warnings that Osama was preparing to attack IN the United States.
* Diverted the resources from apprehending Osama bin Laden, to a pre-emptive, discretionary war against a sovereign nation that was NOT a threat to our national security (although he lied repeatedly to make you believe Iraq WAS a threat).
* Isolated the United States from the international community by attacking Iraq against the recommendation of the United Nations and many allies.
Ladies, if you're listening now, please wake up out of your trance, and see the light. This is only the tip-of-the-iceberg! The Bush Administration's policies have made us MUCH LESS safe. Most experts (outside of Bush's spin machine) agree that:

* al-Qaeda has regrouped and is becoming stronger. The war in Iraq has united the radical Islamic community against the United States, and the allies Bush has alienated will not stand behind us.
* The level of world-wide terrorist activity has risen sharply in the past 3 1/2 years since 9/11.
* It's only a matter of time before al-Qaeda strikes again within our borders.
George W. Bush has lied, misled, distorted, and altogether screwed up our national security and our foreign relations. AND, you know it's only a matter of time before he invades Iran, Sudan, North Korea, Libya and who knows what other countries, with his delusions of global power.
Finally, as our military is spread even thinner with all of these wars, and young people aren't exactly flocking to sign up since getting your college education paid for isn't worth getting killed over, you know he'll have to re-instate the Selective Service (ie. The Draft). So, when you go into the voting booth on November, and you're even THINKING of voting for George W. Bush, ask yourself one question: "Am I ready to send my son/daughter to fight Bush's battles in Fallujah?"
I truly think psychological studies should be performed on those whom are not wealthy that vote for bush. It would cover half of our population, but I for one fail to understand how anyone with a brain could vote for Bush, and I want answers.
It is also very disturbing to me how anyone who isn't dependent on Republican-controlled money and/or has a basic understanding of politics could vote for Bush, and anyone who thinks that Bush will (or already has) made this country less vulnerable to terrorists is as braindead as the appointed president himself.

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