An open letter to Scott and Charlie...

there´s more ppl who would sign under this open letter, including me I guess.
But, let us stop whining. There´s probably more news to come.
TD, dont jump to conclusions. I doubt John is out. Scott and Charlie wouldnt release G.O.T.E if Joey was coming back in the fold as a permanant member.
Were all ( me included) are jumping to conclusions. They proably havent said anything casue of all the legal mumbo jumbo that has to be settled to to this.
The ins and outs of this thing (If there even IS a thing) could be more complex than we can imagine. Until anything is signed, sealed and confirmed we should all hold back a little.
The last time I saw Anthrax with their "classic" line up of Belladonna, Bello, Benante, Ian and Spitz was in the summer of 92 for the Clash of the Titans tour. Slayer has already reunited with that year's line up. Fuck it, if Megadeth can get back R.I.P.'s line up back together, fuck Ozzfest. They should all tour together and blow Ozzfest away. Then maybe, I'll get a boner.
I'm with you TD. Why bring back the one thing that that kept Anthrax from being as successful as the other Big 3?

John and Joey Vera need to haul ass back to Armored Saint. What band do you think is more talented, Bush, Vera, Gonzo, Phil Sandoval and Jeff Duncan or the dudes who last performed together wearing goofy jam shorts???
The only one in armored saint who is more talented than anthrax old line-up is John Bush who blow away any time Joey Belladonna.
Charlie, Scott and Frankie are far away better. Even Dan Spitz is better.
Is the reason why they have to keep John in the band.
Armored Thrax said:
I'm with you TD. Why bring back the one thing that that kept Anthrax from being as successful as the other Big 3?

John and Joey Vera need to haul ass back to Armored Saint. What band do you think is more talented, Bush, Vera, Gonzo, Phil Sandoval and Jeff Duncan or the dudes who last performed together wearing goofy jam shorts???

Too bad Dave Pricthard (RIP) wasn't around to be in Saint.

you have a point but Gonzo is not as good as Charlie

I don't think Joey held Anthrax back that much but obviously they had other ideas and directions to go with their music - and Come on Mustaine's crappy voice sucks hard compared to Joey's.

Why Megadeth got so popular I'll never know. I saw them twice with Motorhead and they blew. The second time around the Cro-Mags kicked their ass all over the stage and they(the Cro-Mags) almost upstaged Motorhead.

And goofy Jam shorts :kickass: :D
I don't really like what TD says but I completely understand why he says it.

This is why I just would like a statement from tha band as to what the hell is going on. The lack of official info is what pisses me off.
Armored Thrax said:
I'm with you TD. Why bring back the one thing that that kept Anthrax from being as successful as the other Big 3?

John and Joey Vera need to haul ass back to Armored Saint. What band do you think is more talented, Bush, Vera, Gonzo, Phil Sandoval and Jeff Duncan or the dudes who last performed together wearing goofy jam shorts???

so wrong!!! without Belladonna Trax wouldn't be here today!!
.................and what's wrong with the id of coming back with 2 singers after 25 years?? I'm just speaking for myself, considering myself an olschool Trax fan( 17 years) this is a great deal for the real diehard fans, it's a fuckin party!!! stop whining and start saving money for a indian headdress cause it''s time to fuckin WARDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!
GregadetH said:
Mustaine > Joey

....and I thought you were cool.:erk:
I think Mustaine's voice sounds good on These Boots, Liar and Hello Me It's Me Again(forgot the title). Other than that he should hire a singer because MegaDeth are great musically.

BTW - I like the fact that you take pride in your son and being a Dad. It kicks ass being a Dad doesn't it.
I think by buying into this debate, we're all just fish on the hook getting reeled the fuck in. I think suspense can be a good thing, but when it starts dividing the fans, I want no part of it ! Anthrax will not dissapoint !
John Bush will not get the ass ! and IF this Ozzfest thing happens with Joey I hope it's a once off, but at the end of the day it could be just what Thrax needs to raise awareness again. How many people do you think are out there who say Änthrax - didn't they break up in the eighties or something "?
Could be that something really positive will come from all of this. :loco:
Yeah, this is gonna be good for them. John Bush had a new kid recently and he needs the time off. While hes off, joey, dan, and , frank will come back to show the fans a good time. Trust me, OZZFEST WILL BE A FUCKIN WARDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're a fucking moron. Has it occured to you that there will be no one at Ozzfest besides the Anthrax fans (and only some of them even) who will actually be enjoying Anthrax? Especially with Joey. As I've said before (and I'm extremely surprised few others noticed) the faggots who go to Ozzfest are into Slipknot, Hatebreed, and likely fairly soon, that metal-core crap like Atreyu. Anthrax and Hatebreed are too VERY different bands - polar opposites but for the fact that Anthrax isn't about challenging, complex music, while Hatebreed is the dumbest shit you'll ever find. Point being, nobody other than the actual fans will be enjoying it. The wardancefloor will have a radius of about 20 feet.