An unexpected Rush haul...


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I was at a local pawn shop looking around and was going to browse through the guitar amps, stereos etc. but some couple was there with their three kids blocking that area so I figured I would look through the CDs until they were done. Right off the bat I saw a couple of Rush CDs so I kept looking and ended up with 8 Rush CDs:

A Farewell to Kings (already own this one)
Different stages - live
A Show of Hands
Caress of Steel

These CDs were 4$ each and buy three get one so it ended up being $26 for all eight including tax. I would have bought their whole catalog for that price including the ones I own if they would have had them.

Sixx wrote:

"Fucking score!
Right place at the right time..."

Yeah you couldn't wipe the smile off my face for about ten minutes after that.

Wicked Child wrote:

"nice! A Farewell To Kings, Signals and Presto are among my favorite Rush albums ever. Along with 2112 and Moving Pictures."

Yeah I already have 2112 and MP. I was always planning on getting "Signals" anyway because "Subdivisions" is one of my fave Rush songs. I'm pretty happy with the discs. All the covers are there and though some look a little rough, all of the CDs are perfect.

Bryant said:
  1. Rush
  2. A Farewell to Kings (already own this one)
  3. Different stages - live
  4. Signals
  5. A Show of Hands
  6. Counterparts
  7. Presto
  8. Caress of Steel
Awsome luck and a good haul indeed.
1) I don't like it, too primitive, not progressive enough.
2) Astounding and with 'A Farewell To Kings', 'Xanadu' and 'Cygnus X-1 Book 1' what else you can ask for.
3) Didn't care for that one, but at that price I'll have picked it up without blinking.
4) One of their best from the 80's. 'Subdivisions', 'The Weapon (Part II of Fear)' and 'Countdown' are instant faves.
5) Again never care for it, I may have pick it at that price.
6) After leaving Rush 'for dead', I pick this one and I enjoy it a lot. Very different from their fabulous 70's albums and from the more relaxed early 80's ones. "Counterparts" delivers wgood music indeed, 'Animate', 'Double Agent', 'Cold Fire' and my favorite 'Nobody's Hero' make that a really good album.
7) never care and I still don't. Hear it in due time and bore me like most of their post "Grace Under Pressure" works.
8) A definitive turning point for the band, even if "Fly By Night" shows that the band are heading to define prog/metal as forerunners of the movement, "Caress Of Steel" is a cornerstone of the band. The astounding 'Fountain Of Lamneth' basic defines to me what prog/metal should be about, and the genius of Neil Peart was definitively shown in the sub-section 'Didacts and Narpets'.

Great haul indeed Bryant, congrats!
Bryant said:
Yeah I already have 2112 and MP. I was always planning on getting "Signals" anyway because "Subdivisions" is one of my fave Rush songs. I'm pretty happy with the discs. All the covers are there and though some look a little rough, all of the CDs are perfect.

yeh, "Subdivisions" is a great song, one of my favorites, but i actually bought Signals for "New World Man". That song rules!
Wicked Child said:
yeh, "Subdivisions" is a great song, one of my favorites, but i actually bought Signals for "New World Man". That song rules!
Yeah that is my second fave from the disc. I love Alex's "atmospheric" guitar work in "Subdivisions." Even though I am a guitarist I have always respected all instruments (to include vocals) equally, but Alex often is the "overlooked" member of the band but he often has to switch from being the prominent instrument to an atmospheric and often accent instrument. His role is fairly small on that song and is mostly clean picking in the chorus, but he makes the best of it and his small part makes the chorus come alive. No modern band I can think of except Lacuna Coil really uses guitar the way he does. Keyboards are normally used to set "atmosphere" and Alex is the master at doing that with a guitar followed by Lacuna Coil's axemen.

Wyvern said:
Awsome luck and a good haul indeed.
1) I don't like it, too primitive, not progressive enough.


Great haul indeed Bryant, congrats!
Great opinions. I already love "Signals" but I have a slow ear so it could be a while before I can grasp the others and even know if I like them or not.

"Signals" was the first Rush I heard. But actually the first I got was "2112" and "A Farewell to Kings" on vinyl, then I got "Moving Pictures" and "Signals" on CD and were among my first CDs.
Great haul Bryant!

Rush is the shit man! Big time fan here. I have all their album and love 'em. I have seen them live in 1979, 1981, and 1987. Great shows all of them. Too bad they decided to play an a very bad stadium called Ahoy here in the Netherlands.

Their live DVD "Rush in Rio" is amazing!
I love Rush! I only have their "Spirit of Radio" cd but it covers a lot of classics that I grew up hearing...great band. GREAT band. I think their earlier stuff is just insane. But they definitely are on top of their game and are phenominal musicians. My favorite RUSH song is "Working Man". JAMS!
Nice haul ! I picked up about 150 CDs (most were under 5 dollars) during our trip in the States. There´s some damn good used CD prices to be found in North America. I wish it were like that here. Mostly used CDs are 9 Euros and up. I picked up RUSHs "Vapor Trails" which I thought would be lousy but I liked it quite a bit.
AngelWitch73 said:
I picked up RUSHs "Vapor Trails" which I thought would be lousy but I liked it quite a bit.
It is lousy! I bought it used and sold it again after a week of playing. Couldn't get into it, pretty dissapointed :erk:
Great haul Bryant! I need to take a day and hit the local pawn shops here, been a long time since I have.
Wyvern said:
It is lousy! I bought it used and sold it again after a week of playing. Couldn't get into it, pretty dissapointed :erk:

I like it a lot actually and the last RUSH I liked was "Grace Under Pressure"...