Rush - "Snakes And Arrows"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

But, but, but ..... I don't want the job!

Well me neither, but I gladly take the wage for being it :heh:

I spoke too soon with the Rush album. The @^%$# at CDUniverse put another of the albums in backorder. This is the third time they do this to me after the album shows as available on the site. I may be forced to cancel te order and thus delay the Rush album too :mad: Like if hauling will be so easy and cheap :waah:

NP: Time's Forgotten - 'This Troubled Heart Of Mine 1'
Well me neither, but I gladly take the wage for being it :heh:

Me too! :kickass: I did have a job interview Monday over the phone. I should know by Friday if they want me to come in for something more formal. Hopefully and hopefully more interesting work than what I have now.

I spoke too soon with the Rush album. The @^%$# at CDUniverse put another of the albums in backorder. This is the third time they do this to me after the album shows as available on the site. I may be forced to cancel te order and thus delay the Rush album too :mad: Like if hauling will be so easy and cheap :waah:

I picked up my copy on the way home from work yesterday. $13 at Best Buy. I could have gotten a free subscription to any one of four different magazines! Uhhhh, no thanks!
I saw it today, but passed. I'm leary of buying any RUSH as they have not issued anything that I have liked in a while. Granetd the LIVE DVD's I have but as far as studio albums?! I'm curious....

Download it and try it. Given what you've said, I'd guess that you wouldn't like this one either. I do like it but it's nothing earth shatteringly awesome. There are some very good tunes on it -- both the instrumentals are very good and get repeated every time I listen to the disc.
I've listened three times through, so far. It IS a quality Rush album but I feel Vapor Trails is far superior to it. It simply lacks the amazing songwriting featured on VT.

The production, however, is fantastic (which cant be said of VT) and Lifeson's guitar is 'back'. Some great soloing, a lot of acoustic playing layered into the tracks, etc. Geddy's bass also really stands out.

If I'm to rank the 1990+ Rush, they'de be as follows:
1) Vapor Trails:rock:
2) Counterparts
3) Snakes & Arrows
4) Test For Echo
5) Roll the Bones
Me too! :kickass: I did have a job interview Monday over the phone. I should know by Friday if they want me to come in for something more formal. Hopefully and hopefully more interesting work than what I have now.

I got mine today too. Cross fingers for me and I'll cross them for you. May 2007 finally get us both to greener pastures.

I picked up my copy on the way home from work yesterday. $13 at Best Buy.

The idiots at CDUniverse shipped it before they fix the problem with the album in backorder. So by the time it'll reach me hands is going to be > $21 :waah:

I'm seriously considering not buying anymore from them and wait until Th End have the items at least that way I save USA S&H and only pay for the courier.

And I agree the instrumentals are pretty good and unlike VT the whole album preserves the same average quality so is way more digestable. Still "Counterparts" is the best album of the 90's for the band, like "Signals" was for the 80's and "2112" for the 70's.

NP: Chariot - 'Run With The Pack'
I got mine today too. Cross fingers for me and I'll cross them for you. May 2007 finally get us both to greener pastures.

:rock: :kickass: :rock: Youbetcha!

Still "Counterparts" is the best album of the 90's for the band, like "Signals" was for the 80's and "2112" for the 70's.

I'd agree with that. Pretty much how I see them too. Although the 90s they were a bit of a tough listen for me.
I'd agree with that. Pretty much how I see them too. Although the 90s they were a bit of a tough listen for me.

I skip Rush as a band after GUP, then re-encounter them on "Counterparts", only to skip them again after TFE. May this one be a way to re-ecnocunter them again in a different way, because the classic days are over.

NP: Hammerfall - 'Dark Wings, Dark Words'