An update on the greatest band alive.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
In case you don't check the Meshuggah site very often, here's what they have to say about 'Catch 33'.

Hi all and sorry for this e x t r e m e l y long time of no updates about Catch 33!

Nah.. we´re not sorry actually, you should know us by now... and we got more important things to do than write useless information on the news..hehe, we´ve been doing the same fucking thing all this time - workingwithcatchthirtythree - so we don´t wanna repeat ourselfs right?!

Anyway, we just wanna tell you guys that we are on the l.a.s.t. couple of weeks work, "just" some pieces in the puzzle that needs to be forced to fit with some help from the crowbar of love... some mixing and then we should be done. We said "should" didn´t we..??

The song is of course a smashing radio hit and should be in the top 3 most aired songs ever within 2 weeks time.

A Happy 2005 and Lotsa Love, Meshuggah
I'd say they are one of the more important bands of the last century.

Chaosphere is being sent to me right now, hooray.
Chaosphere most definitely. My new favorite is Nothing, but that CD is pretty hard to comprehend (and I'm not being elitist or anything like that).

I'd also HIGHLY recommend their new EP 'I'. That CD is so good that it would probably be my favorite CD of all time if it was a full length. If 'Catch 33' is anything like 'I', I will be cleaning my britches everyday for a long time.
I love "I" too. That's part of why I'm really excited about the new one. I'm hoping for more of the same for an even longer period.