Anaal Nathrakh – In the Constellation of the Black Widow

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Anaal Nathrakh – In the Constellation of the Black Widow
Candlelight – 29 Jun 2009
by Ryan Starr


I hope that Anaal Nathrakh doesn’t need an introduction these days. Honestly, I would hope that any fan of extreme metal would automatically go buy this album. In any case, if you were looking to get opinions before spending the $14.99, then I guess you’ve come to the right place.

What we have here is a bit of an old meets new album. The classic grindy violence of the earlier work most definitely back, but is now complemented by pristine production. This alone makes Constellation way easier to appreciate. We’re also treated to the clean singing and mid tempo melodies that have come with the later albums. It’s almost like listening to the bastard love child of Emperor and The Berzerker. And even though the production quality has improved, they somehow manage to make it sound very grating, specifically with the vocals. There are maybe a few studio tricks involved here, but it ultimately improves the sound so i don't think anyone will care.

Now there are a handful of elitists out there who will say Constellation sucks and Anaal Nathrakh have turned their back on true black metal. But let’s be realistic people, just because a band chooses to add a little dimension and improve their studio sound does not mean they’ve sold out. My suggestion to everyone here is to ignore the naysayers and pick this up immediately! It may not sound as exactly like The Codex Necro, but who wants to hear a clone album anyways?

Official Anaal Nathrakh Myspace
Official FETO Website
Official Candlelight Website