Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton
Season of Mist Records SOM 140 October 2006
By Nathan Pearce
Anaal Nathrakh could easily be considered one of the most important black metal bands of the last 5 or 6 years. With the release of The Codex Necro they single-handedly put British black metal on the map in a big way. They also proved that pure, unfiltered hatred had a place alongside the haunting, majestic, and mystical sounds so popular in the black metal world at the time. Album number two, Domine Non Es Dignus, showed that Anaal Nathrakh wasnt content with their ability to simply wipe any pure thoughts from their listeners minds. The band proceeded to demonstrate they were expert musicians and song writers, within the framework of their so-called necro black metal.
Eschaton can simply be called the next step in this bands amazing evolution. Songs like Between Shit And Piss We Are Born and When The Lion Devours Both Dragon And Child are truly two of the best, most epic, and most emotional songs of the year. Thats how far this band has come. Eschaton is an album of great songs. Anaal Nathrakh is kind of distancing themselves from all the black metal bands that simply set out to obliterate the listener. Instead Anaal Nathrakh seems to be headed down a very similar path as Emperor took. Both bands started by trying to create pure atmosphere, but both bands evolved into bands interested in creating songs and albums full of great songs.
The musicianship on Eschaton is awesome. Guitar solos absolutely shred all over the place. The drumming and rhythm guitars are tight and brutal. Im not sure Anaal Nathrakh is necessarily a black metal band anymore, but it doesnt matter when they create music this good. Im sure some of the purists will be pissed at how far this band has evolved, but anybody that can recognize awesome metal will truly enjoy this. Its still way more intense than your average metal album, but I believe this band is destined for great things with their ability to write music like this.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Annal Nathrakhs Official Website
Season of Mists Official Website
Season of Mist Records SOM 140 October 2006
By Nathan Pearce

Anaal Nathrakh could easily be considered one of the most important black metal bands of the last 5 or 6 years. With the release of The Codex Necro they single-handedly put British black metal on the map in a big way. They also proved that pure, unfiltered hatred had a place alongside the haunting, majestic, and mystical sounds so popular in the black metal world at the time. Album number two, Domine Non Es Dignus, showed that Anaal Nathrakh wasnt content with their ability to simply wipe any pure thoughts from their listeners minds. The band proceeded to demonstrate they were expert musicians and song writers, within the framework of their so-called necro black metal.
Eschaton can simply be called the next step in this bands amazing evolution. Songs like Between Shit And Piss We Are Born and When The Lion Devours Both Dragon And Child are truly two of the best, most epic, and most emotional songs of the year. Thats how far this band has come. Eschaton is an album of great songs. Anaal Nathrakh is kind of distancing themselves from all the black metal bands that simply set out to obliterate the listener. Instead Anaal Nathrakh seems to be headed down a very similar path as Emperor took. Both bands started by trying to create pure atmosphere, but both bands evolved into bands interested in creating songs and albums full of great songs.
The musicianship on Eschaton is awesome. Guitar solos absolutely shred all over the place. The drumming and rhythm guitars are tight and brutal. Im not sure Anaal Nathrakh is necessarily a black metal band anymore, but it doesnt matter when they create music this good. Im sure some of the purists will be pissed at how far this band has evolved, but anybody that can recognize awesome metal will truly enjoy this. Its still way more intense than your average metal album, but I believe this band is destined for great things with their ability to write music like this.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Annal Nathrakhs Official Website
Season of Mists Official Website