

Jul 10, 2004
Discuss your opinions about anarchist ideology.Do you think black and death metal have anything to do with anarchist ideology?I wonder if you know about anarchist philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche,Jean Paul Sartre,Errico Maletesta...
The concept of anarchy seems pointless to me, because it would never last. Once the government was removed, gangs, mafia, warlords would rise and form their own governments. You'd probably end up with a feudal system of warlords fighting for control of different regions. Eventually, someone would have more guns than someone else and unify or conquer the different gangs.
RideForVengance said:
The concept of anarchy seems pointless to me, because it would never last. Once the government was removed, gangs, mafia, warlords would rise and form their own governments. You'd probably end up with a feudal system of warlords fighting for control of different regions. Eventually, someone would have more guns than someone else and unify or conquer the different gangs.
-I was not talking about politic ideology..The contrary attidue against all ethics in anarchism makes me to be interesred in.Do you think that the only way to be a completely free person is breaking all laws,and destroying ethics?And making your own...Well I find this concept much interesting... And have to admit that i follow Nietzsche in this way...

God Is DEAD! -----> F. Nietzsche (year 1883)

NIETZSCHE Is Dead-------> God (year 1900)
I am a libertarian socialist. This is basically the same philosophy as anarchism. I think an anarchistic society or classless society would be ideal, however, I sincerely doubt it can exist anytime soon, if at all.
-I was not talking about politic ideology..The contrary attidue against all ethics in anarchism makes me to be interesred in.Do you think that the only way to be a completely free person is breaking all laws,and destroying ethics?

No, painting oneself into a corner of binary, reactionary opposition doesn't make one any more free than before.

And making your own...Well I find this concept much interesting...

I also find a transvaluation intriguing. It's definitely not for all, however.

od Is DEAD! -----> F. Nietzsche (year 1883)

NIETZSCHE Is Dead-------> God (year 1900)

I hate that joke.
I was a pretty ardent anarchist from 18-20. I read everything from Bakunin to Proudhon. I still am an anarchist, just one who realizes the ridiculous utopian ideals of anarchism are just as dangerous as the police states they are trying to destroy. ANyone that thinks there is a ideal secular socio-economic political solution to our temporal secular problems is an idiot.
sonofhendrix13 said:
I am a libertarian socialist. This is basically the same philosophy as anarchism. I think an anarchistic society or classless society would be ideal, however, I sincerely doubt it can exist anytime soon, if at all.

I think I should try to elaborate on this a little. People are megalomaniacal; we want power, not equality. Think about it, would you rather be treated as well as everyone else or better than everyone else. Alot of you would probably beg to differ but I think that subconsciously everyone has this power-hungry instinct in them.

"Government leads to anarchy, and anarchy leads to government" - I can't remember who said this; but its a good quote anyway.
i think you're onto something with that... and its the second half of that quote that partly explains my distaste for the "system" (or lack thereof). an utter lack of control inspires the call for restraint and control, to fill the void where humanity understands that when all wear crowns none are king. i would prefer a singular rule, and a wise and just one, to a crown of my own.
EphelDuath said:
Discuss your opinions about anarchist ideology.Do you think black and death metal have anything to do with anarchist ideology?I wonder if you know about anarchist philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche,Jean Paul Sartre,Errico Maletesta...

Nietzsche was not an anarchist!
ANyone that thinks there is a ideal secular socio-economic political solution to our temporal secular problems is an idiot.

I don't think any decent anarchist thinks it is THE single solution to every problem in the world, or at least I would hope my fellow anarchists would be more critical in their thinking. It is a step in the right direction to a more egalitarian society (which I think is a good thing).
Do you think that the only way to be a completely free person is breaking all laws,and destroying ethics?

No. Being completely free would be breaking all laws if that's what you want to do. Unfortunately in some ways but fortunately in others, we are restricted by our governments and fellow human beings as to what we are allowed to do. Though I do disagree with how our governments are corrupt and the so-called "systems" inside of it tend to change depending on the persons involved, I think it's for the best. A modern, civilized country is not ready for a lifestyle that does not involve a government, and never will be. Lots of human beings are sick and mean. Do you really want them doing whatever they want?
That's the problem with Anarchism, it's an ideology that states that one can do whatever one wants. That's not freedom. It would be a society of unruly heathens that think they own the world, and people like me would be using them for target practice.

A good example of a society without a government: Somalia. Blacks have shown the world how they behave without government.

I'm opposed to big government, but a society without government cannot function. It won't ever be possible. Anarchism is completely idealistic, whoever came up with the ideology was high on mushrooms.
That's the problem with Anarchism, it's an ideology that states that one can do whatever one wants. That's not freedom. It would be a society of unruly heathens that think they own the world, and people like me would be using them for target practice.

It is not an ideology that states that one can do whatever one wants. Where did you ever get this impression?

A good example of a society without a government: Somalia. Blacks have shown the world how they behave without government.

That's not anarchy in the political philosophical sense, it is anarchy only in the lack of government sense. Warlords and private cartels generally run the country from region to region, and this is not anarchism as a political theory in practice.

I'm opposed to big government, but a society without government cannot function. It won't ever be possible. Anarchism is completely idealistic, whoever came up with the ideology was high on mushrooms.

It has been possible and it has happened in history, generally to success as well.