Anathema officially confirmed on Graspop


all the way
Dec 30, 2001
Anathema plays live on the Graspop Metal Meeting (Belgium). It's been oficially confirmed by the festival itselves, so it has to be true.

Gonna be a hell af a party: my fav band (anathema) and fav singer (Bruce Dickinson) on 1 festival. And 2 years ago it was Maiden and Anathema (also on Graspop). And there are other good acts like My Dying Bride, Slayer, Tristania.

Hmmm Graspop, you will make my day
Originally posted by Mariner
Anathema plays live...
Well, I'm really disappointed they haven't played in Poland since Feb 2000. I read in interview that they're gonna come here to my homeland about Feb/March/April'02... but nothing happened. Why??? :confused: I know it mainly depends on Music For Nations, but it's bullshit! Fact is Anathema hasn't played in Poland after AFDTE release. Well, fans from Poland feel the band don't like playing in Poland, don't like coming here. :cry:
does any of you know a page where i could get more details about this festival?

my first and last rendezvouz with anathema was on Dynamo ´99. that was really great! one of the best bands i saw there that year and ever, though i didn´t knew them so far. completely rocking my world up!! Can anyone remember that gig???
Well, for another reason: though my friends can´t go Graspop with me this year i´m looking for Alternative 4 ;-) guys and girls to go there. See also my thread for it.

Thanx and best wishes, BEYOND