Ancient Dreams confirmed for Days of the Doomed IV


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Very pleased to announce that we have been confirmed for this year's Days of the Doomed in Cudahy, WI the weekend of June 20.

Some other confirmed bands: Blackfinger, Age of Taurus, Jex Thoth, Orodruin, Egypt, Stone Magnum, Las Cruces, etc.

Gonna be a slobber knocker!!!!!
I talked to a few people tonight who said that since he was a big supporter of the fest and has gone every year that this really helped out in getting the slot. It pays to go to shows to support I guess. Good for Lee. What a past few married, got one of the shows of his dreams...what next??
I talked to a few people tonight who said that since he was a big supporter of the fest and has gone every year that this really helped out in getting the slot. It pays to go to shows to support I guess. Good for Lee. What a past few married, got one of the shows of his dreams...what next??

World dictator
there was just a few people on facebook talking about how Lee is a very vocal supporter of the fest and has gone a bunch. Plus with Mike posting on Lee's page a lot of people seem to see it as Lee doing alot of the handshaking and deal making on this one. Glad to see Lee taking a lead on this.
Here's to five months of Bob trashing DOTD and every band playing every chance he gets

here's to Jason non stop talking about it.

I am not trashing is funny when you make these statements about here is band you don't know that should...if you were not playing the fest you would not give a rats ass about this band.

Let Lee have his time to shine. He worked hard at this. let's not turn this into another thread war. This is about Lee.