Days of the Doomed Roll Call

almost every festival I have been to has had the bands all bringing their A game and have had a positive vibe going through it as well. Welcome to metal festivals.

YEah, thanks, This was my first metal festival.

Maybe I should go to more so I can learn what it is to be "METAL"!!!!

Though, this is something too I should point out that made this festival better. It was great for a whole weekend to be at a show where no one was "fronting" or trying too hard to be metal.
YEah, thanks, This was my first metal festival.

Maybe I should go to more so I can learn what it is to be "METAL"!!!!

Though, this is something too I should point out that made this festival better. It was great for a whole weekend to be at a show where no one was "fronting" or trying too hard to be metal.

what festivals had people "fronting"??? or with people trying to be metal? It seems you are sounding like a ProgPower style fan making you an elitist.
what festivals had people "fronting"??? or with people trying to be metal? It seems you are sounding like a ProgPower style fan making you an elitist.

No need to get defensive.
MANY other festivals (and any show really) has its share of people who go just because it's a metal show and it's a place to get wasted or act the part.

DOTD were mostly a bunch of average joe's who are really into that scene. Just makes for a completely different vibe than your average metal show. Sorry if it sounds elitist, it was just my observation after going this one time.
no your comment came off very elitist. There are a lot of festivals that have the same vibe. With any type of event..the larger it gets the more it will attract those types of fans. Same could be said for Ragnarokkr early one...small crowd of dedicated fans there for the bands and not just to get drunk. Brofest excelled at this...people from all over the world there for the music. No one stumbling drunk or yelling stupid stuff and everyone just there to enjoy the experience. Once you grow you will attract more of the moron element. I know you know this but it is just funny how you word your comments...they come across very back handed and stuff. Coming from the guy who makes fun of ProgPower for this same thing.
Jason I enjoyed the fest too, but to say there was no one trying to act metal is ridiculous. There are always those at shows, and this was no different.
there is going to be a private forum just for your post coming will be called "the delete folder". :Spin:

Ha!!! YES!!!!

Yeah, you hit it on the head. Very similar to the first Ragnarokkr where the attendees were dedicated fans of the style who really went to support and not just to see one main band. Let's be honest, we have all talked about various yahoo's who have showed up since the first Ragnarokkr. Some even have gotten their asses booted out the door!! :)