FireFest roll call


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
So...who's heading up for this

I know Steve Scott will be there. Our label mates Million are playing so the Majestic Rock guys will be there as well.

Friday May 6th The Friday night pre show is SOLD OUT. In fact if the venue was bigger we could have doubled the crowd, such was the demand. The planned running order for Friday night is as follows:
8 - 8.45 Dante Fox
9 - 9.45 Pride
10 - 10.45 House Of Shakira
The venue is open until late and most of the bands playing on Saturday will be in attendance making it a truly informal and fun evening, giving everybody a chance to catch up and debate the pro s and cons of the melodic music scene.
The running order for Saturday May 6th is as follows:
Doors open 12 noon
12.30 – 1.05 Pride
1.30 – 2.10 House Of Shakira
2.30 - 3.10 Million
3.30 – 4.15 Legs Diamond
4.35 – 5.15 Casanova
5.40 – 6.30 Dare
7.10 – 8.10 Pink Cream 69
8.40 – 9.45 Firehouse
10.15 – 11.25 TNT
11.50 – 1.15 Soul Sirkus
Finally we would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for their support and most importantly supporting this event. We look forward to a great weekend of LIVE ROCK AND ROLL and we hope everybody enjoys the show.


A brand new issue of Fireworks Magazine will be available on the day - complete with a special pullout program for FireFest. Fireworks includes a full-colour 8-page Firefest Programme pull-out, as well as in-depth interviews with Legs Diamond and Dare. Magazine still only £4.
Subscribers can pick their magazine up on the day, just by signing their name in relevant book at the merch stall.


Firefest Ticketing Details.
The Box office at the Town and Country will be open from 12 noon to 6pm on Saturday May 6th to facilitate anybody wishing to collect reserved tickets or purchase tickets on the way in. If people are unable to make the show until AFTER 6 pm and DO NOT YET have a ticket it is advisable that they purchase in advance from one of the many retail outlets to avoid disappointment on the day. The only way into the venue after the box office closes is with a valid ticket which will be collected by security staff. There will be no facility for payment after 6pm.

Ticket prices are as follows: Advance Tickets: Sterling £40 (Pounds Sterling) / Day of Show: £45 (Pounds Sterling).

Tickets for the Firefest main day - (Saturday May 7), will be available from the following outlets:
Loud 1, 144 Congleton Road, Biddulph, Stoke on Trent, Staffs ST8 6QN
Tel +44 (0)1782 522370 / Fax +44 (0)1782 765013 / E-mail:
Z Roxx, PO Box 347, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1FB
Tel +44 (0)1342 300181 / Fax +44 (0)1342 321442 E-mail:
RPM Mail Order, 2A Spark Street, Longwood, Huddersfield, HD3 4XB
Tel +44 (0) 1484 643392 / E-Mail
Destiny Records, PO Box 139, Fareham, PO15 7JE
Tel +44(0) 1489 603549 / Fax +44 (0) 1489 603550 / E-mail:
ST Records (Dudley) are now also supplying tickets for the Saturday Firefest show. Tel 01384-230726.

Tickets are also available directly from the promoters at the Fireworks Office. Cheques and postal orders:
Make payable to: 'Bruce Mee' and sent to: Bruce Mee, Fireworks Magazine, 10 Dunnock Close, Offerton, Stockport, SK2 5XD, England. E-mail:
Please note - Paypal is also accepted by using the above e-mail address.

For those not in a position to purchase online, we are offering an 'e-mail and reserve' system that allows you to e-mail us and reserve a ticket at the advance price (40 GBP per ticket) that you simply collect and pay for on your way into the venue on the day.
This system is only for persons wishing to purchase tickets for Saturday May7th. Those wishing to reserve a ticket using this method should address their e-mail to:, stating name and address as well as the quantity of tickets you wish to reserve. You will receive a return e-mail confirming receipt of your order.

For those purchasing tickets directly from the promoters, you will be entered into a draw for a fully autographed electric guitar by Soul SirkUS, presented by the band at the end of their performance.

The intention of Firefest was to be a regular event if enough people supported the inaugural festival, with plans to bring over acts like Night Ranger and Harem Scarem for future shows. Current numbers don't make this idea viable, so if you want to see these bands, and others of a similar stature, playing in the UK, then this is your chance to make it happen. Support Firefest 2005, and allow us to make it into an annual or even twice a year event, and bring over the biggest names in melodic rock! For the hundreds already coming, we thank you for your support. For those undecided, come down and have a great weekend. The future of the live melodic rock in the UK scene is in your own hands. Let's all pull together and make it a success.
Such a thorough post, pitty I can't come 'cus of Exams. Dammit. After this year, that's them all over, for a few years anyway. I hope you havea great time Steve & Steve.
Overall the £40 adv for the tickets was money well spent and a cracking time was had by all of our group.

Pride - good lively set that started the day off nicely. They've got a bit more power behind them with the addition of their new guitarist.

House Of Shakira - another great set which was lively enough to persuade us to grab a couple of cd's by them from the stalls.

Million - Wow, these were the surprise find of the day to us. Not heard anything by them before the set and after hearing them, they were probably the closest to my own preference of music than any of the other bands on the bill. Definitely gonna be keeping an eye out for these little scally-wags in future. (Cheers to to Joe, sorry Steve, for taking me cd shopping after the set. Fancy hiding them up there, I'd never have found them without your help!).

Legs Diamond - canny. Anyone else think that guitarist looks like Blackie Lawless's twin brother?

Casanova - good, but I'd have liked a few more livelier tracks in the set.

Dare - or death by boredom as we call them. Not necessary to have this cure for insomnia on the line-up.

Pink Cream 69 - excellent. Really enjoyed their set and can't wait to see them again when they tour.

Firehouse - the reason we went in the first place was to see this band again. We love em and I think a lot of people are surprised how 'rocking' they really are. Good to see the whole band take time out after the set to sign cd's and stuff at the stall. Pity more bands hadn't done the same thing.

TNT - did nothing for me but the rest of our group really enjoyed them.

Soul Sirkus - came on over an hour late then decided after a few songs to do a 30 min + medley of guitar twiddling. If that wasn't enough to kill the mood they then went on to do a big piano thing. I think the mass evacuation from the room of bored punters said it all really. For goodness sakes it's like 2 am, people want to party!!!! Their new album is good, it's just a pity the ego's got in the way and they went way OTT with each artist showing they can do it with the twiddling and stuff.

Sadly a bit of a dead end to the day, but overall we had a great time. Great to see a lot of familiar faces and make a lot of new friends along the way too.

I know the promoters were well frazzled by the end of it all, but I really do hope they do it again next year.

Top 3 for me

Pink Cream 69 - amazing vocals and very tight set , great live sound, cool songs.

TNT - Tony was a bit shakey at the start of the set , but warmed up into a monster vocalist, he still has it, high screams and perfect pitch, amazing set, great selection of old and new, Le Tekro on gat is still, for me, the most orignal guitarist ever, his solos are amazing !!

Firehouse - The best band of the festival.!!!! full stop !!! I kept thinking there was a cd or mini disc playing, note perfect from everyone in the band, the gat solos were staright from the cd nothing more nothing less and so tight, vocals faultless, these guys are amazing, and played all the classics. i hope they tour again , muso's bring your note pad and take notes, these guys fully rock :rock: