Ancient Dreams supporting Trouble this weekend

Sorry we get asked to play good gigs.

To be clear; you get asked or ask to be on these shows? There is a BIG difference and many bands get that confused. Seeking out shows, paying for, or hassling promoters, clubs, or other bands into submission so they will get you on the gig does not necessarily mean that band is in demand.
So are you in "demand" or do you seek out the shows?
Good thing Raleigh had several quality bands and you would not end up with the same local opener on everything.

you would think being in Chicago there would be more bands who were better since it is a larger city...sadly it has a large pool of lackluster bands. We have great classic acts but sadly most think they are too good to play smaller shows or just don't know how to get on shows or rather play a sports bar with cover bands than be a co headliner on a larger show at Reggies. Then we have a huge pool of bands who just are not ready to be on stage yet but will play on tons of shows as the opener....these bands usually do not fit on the bill as well.
Everyone has their own opinion on this but from the many different people I talk to at shows it seems we all feel the same.

I don't at times fault the bands because if promoters are lazy and don't listen and research who they are booking it allows this to happen. This is why I have been on a no more than 3 bands on a bill kick as of late. Just no reason unless it is a special type of show that there should be more than that. It seems once there is more than 4 it is a case of a promoter getting scared not doing his job with filling up more of the show with any band who may bring out 10 friends.

We don't have that one band so to say here who play on every show since in the city we literally have a show to three shows a week so it is hard for one band to be on all of them but we do have bands who seem to play certain shows that the same crowd goes too I guess.
To be clear; you get asked or ask to be on these shows? There is a BIG difference and many bands get that confused. Seeking out shows, paying for, or hassling promoters, clubs, or other bands into submission so they will get you on the gig does not necessarily mean that band is in demand.
So are you in "demand" or do you seek out the shows?

When 2014 is done we will have played 6 shows.
Three we were asked to play (Local gig with Stone Magnum, the Satan show, and the Trouble show), one we set up (the Winterhawk show we did early this year), one we asked (days of the doomed) and then the Raven show that sort of was a mixture ( we were trying to work out a bigger metal
Show to do with Reggies and then the Raven tour was offered to them so they put us on that)
you would think being in Chicago there would be more bands who were better since it is a larger city...sadly it has a large pool of lackluster bands. We have great classic acts but sadly most think they are too good to play smaller shows or just don't know how to get on shows or rather play a sports bar with cover bands than be a co headliner on a larger show at Reggies. Then we have a huge pool of bands who just are not ready to be on stage yet but will play on tons of shows as the opener....these bands usually do not fit on the bill as well.
Everyone has their own opinion on this but from the many different people I talk to at shows it seems we all feel the same.

I don't at times fault the bands because if promoters are lazy and don't listen and research who they are booking it allows this to happen. This is why I have been on a no more than 3 bands on a bill kick as of late. Just no reason unless it is a special type of show that there should be more than that. It seems once there is more than 4 it is a case of a promoter getting scared not doing his job with filling up more of the show with any band who may bring out 10 friends.

We don't have that one band so to say here who play on every show since in the city we literally have a show to three shows a week so it is hard for one band to be on all of them but we do have bands who seem to play certain shows that the same crowd goes too I guess.

Definitely a combination of a lot of what you said.
When 2014 is done we will have played 6 shows.
Three we were asked to play (Local gig with Stone Magnum, the Satan show, and the Trouble show), one we set up (the Winterhawk show we did early this year), one we asked (days of the doomed) and then the Raven show that sort of was a mixture ( we were trying to work out a bigger metal
Show to do with Reggies and then the Raven tour was offered to them so they put us on that)

I love Raven. I do think they're one of the top live acts, but a bigger show? Unfortunately they just don't draw.
As for the Chicago bands, there are a lot of good bands. However, most of the good ones are not willing to just open for a touring band. Some older bands believe they worth a lot more than they are, thus not only do they not go onto shows but they never have shows of their own. Then there are bands like High Spirits, which I don't blame at all not taking those shows because they can draw on their own. Same with Novembers Doom and many others. So sadly, we are stuck with the crappy bands for the most part.
@ Simon - we were working on something in November with While Heaven Wept that didn't work out. The date we wanted was tentatively on hold for Helstar. No idea what happened but obviously in the meantime they worked out something else. While we were waiting to see what was up Reggies informed me of Raven coming with Night Demon and we were like "yeah we will gladly do that one"

There are a lot of great older bands that think they are worth more than they are because of past experiences overseas and / or based on $$$ made in cover bands.

In addition there are a lot of bands who really don't know what's going on in the current scene.

Last night I was talking to the Rival guys. They asked when our next show was, and when I said "playing with Raven in two weeks" their response was literally "wow. Raven are still around ? Does the drummer still wear the goalie mask"???

I mean on one hand its cool that these guys do it simply because they still like playing. Obviously not making any $$$. On the other it would be great if bands like Rival (and we can all name many more) would get more involved with the scene and try to get support slots and not only play a suburban club to family and friends once or twice a year , since they would go over well.