Ancient Rites's new album


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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You know when it comes to some bands, I’m really biased. I love them so much that I will ignore any “sell outs” ,becoming more catchy or flaming homosexuality that might occur.
There are several bands like that in my world, Nevermore for example is one of them, but also: the Flemish: Ancient Rites.
So ok, they are also my good friends, but I appreciate them as more than just that… as people, as musicians, as artists and above all: as the friends they are to me.

Their new album RVBICON has been delivered to my house a week ago, and I’ve been listening to it ever since. I didn’t expect to hear a tr00- Black metal album like their old material, because after all, Dim Carcosa their previous album, was more folk/black/ catchy tunes than the really old BM ones. Ancient Rites have come a log way from 3 people in the band, corpse paint, and buckets of cow blood, to 7 members and a more solid look. They now have 3 guitarist: They brought back their old-school one, and two others, a drummer, a keyboard player, their old keyboardist is now on Bass, and the singer who used to be the bassist, is now doing vocals only. Confused yet?
7 members and finally after almost 6 years they released a new album.

So Black Metal it’s not anymore, but it is still an excellent album non-the-less.
This is exactly the kind of albums that I will normally make fun of, (and you all know me by now) but this is too good … way too good. With touches of power metal, catchy guitars, fast drums and keyboards Ancient Rites wrote another concept, full of history and folk album that I simply love. 3 Guitar players sound so good… the guitars are so great on this album, with unique sound and riffs, and yes, very catchy. The drums are fantastic as always, very fast and dynamic, the vocals sometimes feature clean moments, and not just rough growls, with an addition of female vocals in some songs, and the keyboards… of course.
Now, I would gladly throw the keyboards right into the North Sea and look at Davey straight into the eyes and say: “what the hell were you thinking?!” The keyboards are the only thing that I can say that I hate on this album… its just… too much of them.. I always admired bands who never used keyboards, but if you do: learn how to monitor them to be “just right” Its sad that not many bands know the right amount of “shaabam” that layers of guitars can create better than any keyboards behind the rhythm guitars..…
I would gladly throw away the female vocalist all the way to the North, and tell her to look for her missing friends from Within Temptation… Let Holland have her, she has no place in Ancient Rites. (sorry Holland)
Other than that: what a fantastic album, lyrics full of history, music of flavors.
I love it!!!!

I’m done with my biased opinion, carry on.

I checked it out today... 's quite good. Doesn't sound very black metal at all though. But that's a good thing. Waffles anyone?