and another thing

yeah these kids/mom asked me to get them tickets to a film that i didn't consider cool for 15 year olds to see, first off.

the second reason was because they spent 20 minutes arguing with the manager over these tickets (they needed someone to accompany them in, and mom was gonna shop), and now they were asking me in plain sight of the dude

three, they annoyed the fuck out of me and to be frank, i viewed their request as an act of insolence which will be punished in any court i have the opportunity to wring them through. harshly. spikey haired rats.
i've been asked to buy alcohol for kids, but it's been a while, and i turned them down.

the MOM thing trying to get her kids in a movie she wasn't going with them to see is just absurd. the number of people in this country that skirt responsibility for their own children is appalling. Where's Chthulu when you need his BLEARGLE to just wipe them all out?
oh, these kids were riding their bikes past me while I was walking home from work and they stopped and askedd me if I was over 21. I was like 'yeah' (knowing what was coming next of course) and then said 'but I'm not buying anything for you' and walked off and they called me a pussy.
why do you think the mom thing is bad, eric? although there are justifiably not-for-kids movies, there are definitely movies that are rated R for dumb, political, Puritanical reasons that i would be perfectly happy allowing my 14-year-old to see. but that doesn't necessarily mean i want to have to go in there with them.
i tried to shrink the picture, and it worked on the Edit screen, but when i saved it, it didnt take. does resizing not yet work?

the Internet sleeping picture was better. but my post will take one for the team, so thanks, josh.
ahhhh josh, you had to ask.

okay, okay. it was jason vs freddy, and now having saw it, i would say that i made a decent decision.

it was like a 14 year old boy and girl. i mean, come on.
about the movie: i know sometimes parents like to drop kids off at a movie, and i don't necessarily find fault with that. but i think the scenario is mostly just symbolic of how parents let television and media raise their kids rather than spend time with them. i don't think my parents ever dropped us off at a movie- let alone took us to see anything rated R, good movie or not.
hypothesis: if you had described in detail the spurting blood, bouncing breasts, decapitations, drug use, etc, etc, and so on and soforth to the unsuspecting mother I bet she would have stared at you like YOU were the sick one.
basically i listened to her other son, this big bohunkin spikey-bleached 19ish year old in a wifebeater argue with the manager because he was over the usual R age limit.

i didn't know this, but FvsJ was special; it was 21 and over ONLY? that seemed sort of sketchy to me, but regardless, the manager dude wouldn't budge and the kid left in a testosterone rage.

weird too, that the younger kids and mom would still persist.

but i guess the point of saying that is that the mom was most likely well aware of the brain-scarring crap they'd be viewing.

how fucking annoying to try to pawn that off on me. i really wanted to slap the mom, ESPECIALLY since they all referred to me as "sir"