...And now for something different....!!

go to Ninth Level on Mp3.com. San Diego band that just got signed to End (or so I heard). Very interesting brutal death with insane technicality and jazz break downs. Still don't know if I like it, but I;m giving it a chance.....

oh, yeah whoever hasn't heard the new Root, DO IT NOW! 2 tracks on Mp3.com
Dysrythmia is an exellent band! They played with Maudlin of the Well last Friday in the Philly area.

Has anyone heard of Hematovore?
Hematovore is an instrumental band that takes the thrash from early Metalica and delivers it in a style like Opeth. The disc costs a big six bucks when you order it from the band and I'm sure they have something for you to listen to at their website.
Dysrhythmia IS very good. I saw 'em in Philly a couple of weeks ago, and despite the questionable sound of the venue, I was damn impressed. If you happen to see them on a bill somewhere, I'd suggest checking 'em out.

Originally posted by Blackspirit

Another GREAT musician on this forum!!!
*Faints* >:eek:P
When will there be some new stuff from
your band? :eek:)
Not great, only musician! :)
We are trying to find a deal with a label to realize a full-lenght cd.
At the moment we are composing some new stuff, I hope we will be able to enter in studio during August 2002.