And the heaviest band ever is...

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
Behemoth, as proven by the leak I got of their newest album, The Apostasy.

Holy shit, if there was a sonic representation of getting your head destroyed by a large blunt object, say, a medieval style war hammer, going about 70 mph towards your face, I think this is what it would be. I'm questioning whether or not Inferno had his limbs replaced by cybernetics, because the dude's drumming is some of the most lethal, inhumanly fast metal playing I've heard since Flo Mounier (and he sounds like he's giving Flo a run for his money). Some nice guest vocals by Warrel Dane on one track as well.

If you're into death metal, this is a must buy. :headbang:
I believe the album is out in July. Behemoth are probably one of THE very best bands out there and they can deliver it live too.
If you haven't yet check out Demigod, and the one before Zos Kia Kultus As Above So Below.
Also another newie to wait for is the new Nile which comes out in July also these guys do some great progressive death metal don't believe me check out from In Their Darkened Shrines 'Unas Slayer Of The Gods' clocking in at 11 minutes plus or from Annihilation of the Wicked the titles track at around 9 mins. Incidentally the first song 'Cast Down The Heretic' has twin solo trades offs which go on for about 2 mins. Check out Niles' current drummer George Kolias-he has some of the fastest feet with speeds of 265 bpm on the double basses. Also the riff work on The Burning Pits of the Duat' is pretty wicked too, though one of my faves is off the 'Shrines...' album called Exceration Text you can check out the you tube vid here.

Or if you want the ultimate check out this band
Behemoth are great.....I'd almost go through the torture of getting 'free' Ozzfest tickets for them alone. It helps that they wrote a song based on a book written by a Brit friend o' mine. :)

Same story for Nile, basically. Is Neil Kernon producing their upcoming CD? He did Annihilation and it sounded great.
yes Neil, worked on the Nile he's also working on some mixing for Devolved which will be the next KillZone Records release
Behemoth are great.....I'd almost go through the torture of getting 'free' Ozzfest tickets for them alone. It helps that they wrote a song based on a book written by a Brit friend o' mine. :)

Same story for Nile, basically. Is Neil Kernon producing their upcoming CD? He did Annihilation and it sounded great.

Yes he is