And we're back

You don't really need to know how for some of the explorer replacement shells, just need to download the file and run it to convert from explorer to whatever you're changing it to.

Still yesterday was the first time I've used a different shell so I don't really know what I'm doing either.
Aussie_Outlaw said:
Oh you're so cool Koich, you're a god.

Is that the reply you want?
I was just pointing out that some of them take a lot of configuring, for instance. This is what I had to type out for my menu. It's not hard, but it's time consuming.
[begin] (menu)
[exec] (Root) {explorer.exe ,,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}}
[exec] (a:\) {explorer.exe a:\}
[exec] (c:\) {explorer.exe c:\}
[exec] (d:\) {explorer.exe d:\}
[exec] (e:\) {explorer.exe e:\}
[exec] (f:\) {explorer.exe f:\}

[Submenu] (Programs)
[submenu] (2D)
[exec] (Photoshop) {"$ProgramFiles$\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Photoshop.exe"}
[exec] (Open Canvas) {"$ProgramFiles$\Open Canvas\oC224e.exe"}
[exec] (The Compressonator) {"C:\The Compressonator\TheCompressonator.exe"}
[exec] (Dreamweaver MX) {"$ProgramFiles$\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX\Dreamweaver.exe"}
[submenu] (3D)
[exec] (3ds max 4.2) {"C:\3dsmax42\3dsmax.exe"}
[exec] (3ds max 5) {"C:\3dsmax5\3dsmax.exe"}
[exec] (Softimage|XSI 3.5) {"C:\Softimage\XSI_3.5\Application\bin\xsi.bat"}
[exec] (Motionbuilder) {"C:\Kaydara\MOTIONBUILDER402\bin\motionbuilder.exe"}
[exec] (Z-Brush) {"$ProgramFiles$\Pixologic\Zbrush_155\zbrush.exe"}
[exec] (wings3d) {"$ProgramFiles$\wings3d_0.98.17f\wings3d.exe"}
[submenu] (Audio)
[exec] (Fruity Loops) {"$ProgramFiles$\FruityLoops 3.56\fruityloops.exe"}
[exec] (Acid Pro) {"$ProgramFiles$\sonic foundry\ACID 4.0\acid40.exe"}
[exec] (Audacity) {"$ProgramFiles$\Audacity\Audacity.exe"}
[exec] (MP3Gain) {"$ProgramFiles$\MP3Gain\MP3GainGUI.exe"}
[exec] (Winamp) {"$ProgramFiles$\Winamp\Winamp.exe"}
[submenu] (CDR)
[exec] (Nero 6) {"$ProgramFiles$\Ahead\Nero\nero.exe"}
[exec] (Alcohol 120%) {"$ProgramFiles$\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\alcohol.exe"}
[exec] (blindwrite) {"$ProgramFiles$\vso\BlindWrite5\bw.exe"}
[exec] (Clone CD) {"$ProgramFiles$\Elaborate Bytes\CloneCD\clonecd.exe"}
[exec] (Daemon Tools) {"$ProgramFiles$\D-Tools\daemon.exe"}
[exec] (DiscJuggler) {"$ProgramFiles$\Padus\DiscJuggler\cdj.exe"}
[exec] (FireBurner) {"$ProgramFiles$\FireBurner\FireBurner.exe"}

[submenu] (Chat)
[exec] (Msn Messenger) {"$ProgramFiles$\msn messenger\msnmsgr.exe"}
[exec] (ICQ) {"$ProgramFiles$\icq\icq.exe"}
[exec] (Mirc) {"$ProgramFiles$\vso\BlindWrite5\bw.exe"}
[exec] (Trillian) {"$ProgramFiles$\Elaborate Bytes\CloneCD\clonecd.exe"}
[exec] (AIM) {"$ProgramFiles$\D-Tools\daemon.exe"}

[submenu] (Html)
[exec] (htmlPRO) {"$ProgramFiles$\msn messenger\msnmsgr.exe"}
[exec] (Dreamweaver) {"$ProgramFiles$\icq\icq.exe"}

[submenu] (Video)
[exec] (DVDtoOgm) {"$ProgramFiles$\DVDtoOgm\DVDtoOgm.exe}
[exec] (SmartRipper 2.41) {"$ProgramFiles$\SmartRipper 2.41\SmartRipper.exe"}
[exec] (RAD Video tools) {"$ProgramFiles$\RADVideo\RADVideo.exe"}
[exec] (nvdvd) {"$ProgramFiles$\NVIDIA Corporation\NVDVD\nvdvd.exe"}
[submenu] (web)
[exec] (opera) {"$ProgramFiles$\Opera7\Opera.exe"}
[exec] (eMule) {"$ProgramFiles$\emule\emule.exe"}
[exec] (Kazaa) {"$ProgramFiles$\Kazaa Lite K++\klrun.exe"}
[exec] (EZpics) {"$ProgramFiles$\ezpics\ezpics.exe"}
[exec] (Mozilla) {"$ProgramFiles$\Mozilla firebird\mozillafirebird\mozillafirebird.exe"}


[submenu](shutdown menu)

[shutdown] (shutdown)
[reboot] (reboot)

[submenu] (system)
[exec] (Task Manager) {C:\WINNT\system32\taskmgr.exe}
[exec] (control panel) {explorer.exe /e,,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}}
[run] (run...)
[exec] (command prompt) {cmd.exe}
[exec] (regedit) {regedit.exe}
[submenu] (xoblite)
[exec] (about...) {$Blackbox$\Blackbox.exe -help}
[submenu] (documentation)
[exec] (readme) {$Blackbox$\docs\readme.txt}
[exec] (online docs) {}
[exec] (change log) {$Blackbox$\docs\changes_bb1.txt}
[config] (configuration)

[submenu] (tools)
[exec] (whitebox) {$Blackbox$\tools\WhiteBox\WhiteBox.exe}
[exec] (bbnote) {$Blackbox$\plugins\bbnote\bbnote.exe}
[exec] (bbme) {$Blackbox$\tools\bbme\bbme.exe}
[submenu] (shell)
[editmenu] (edit menu.rc)
[editextensions] (edit extensions.rc)
[editblackbox] (edit blackbox.rc)
[restart] (restart)
[reconfig] (reconfigure)
[exit] (quit)

I played around with it a bit yesterday. It's not bad, but there are one or two things I don't like about it. I generally work fullscreen, so I normally don't have much desktop to click on, and something funky was happening with the menus that I couldn't quite do often enough to figure out. And if you open the menu too close to the right of the screen the windows start cascading to the left but you can't select them because if you go left it returns you to the parent menu.

And I couldn't figure out how to get my system tray back, but I didn't look that had.

And it doesn't run *instead* of explorer, it runs over the top of explorer, so explorer is still running. Having said that, I think they are independant and explorer is basically a bacground process that just sits there until needed when this is running.
It's like this southy, which would you rather, A brand new top of the line Merc, or a Datsun 180b?

That is roughly the difference between the standard windows desktop and mine.