And What Kind Of Metalhead -are-you?

OfficerNice said:
DAMMIT! You ALWAYS trump my ass!


I'm such a fucking idiot!

Officer Nice

I'm going to listen to my bitch ass glam poison records now :(

hahah , sorry bud , I just knew someone would bring it up :tickled:
Thrasher. It's all about the thrash metal scene of the 80s, and paying attention to all the shit in the world authority doesn't want you to see. You're down with anything that upholds the principles of the Almighty Riff, but those weak-ass synthesizers piss you off to no end. A metal show is more than just music, it's Good Friendly Violent Fun - the pit is your second home. You're generally cool with anyone who respects you, but nothing pisses you off like pretentious wankers - and of course, the hated POSEURS.
fuck..... I don't need to take a quiz.....

I'm older than shit, heavier than lead, and I don't need to take no stinkin' quiz.... I predate thrash and am ok with where I am in the spectrum of things.... \m/
if the page doesnt come up, does it mean i listen to pop music? its not working for me as of now, ill try again later
"True Metalhead" You are a True Metalhead. You dig theclassic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded interms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden