Anders Nordin


Space the final frontier
Nov 5, 2001
Denver Colorado
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Can anyone tell me why he doesn't play for Opeth anymore? I've been wondering about this for yeahs and it just accured to me that I now have Opeth friend to help me answer it :grin: . Did he just hate playing with them or did he get kicked out or what? I would apreciate it if someone could answer this question for me. Talk to you later.!
i think we had to return to Brazil or sth..

daaaaaaamn if i recall correctly he had mentioned it somewhere...but as everybody knows my brain is completely burned.... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Melancholia
i think we had to return to Brazil or sth..

daaaaaaamn if i recall correctly he had mentioned it somewhere...but as everybody knows my brain is completely burned.... :rolleyes:

ohhh I understand *smokum smokum* hehe

Well thanks for the info that's probably somewhere close since Mikeal was talking about him in the "hello people" thread and it didn't sound to me like they where fighting or anything.
he wanted to move to south america, so he left the band. he post here sometime, so he might answer you
Originally posted by terrymx
he wanted to move to south america, so he left the band. he post here sometime, so he might answer you

so does he still live in South America? That cool I don't know if I'd want to live there, but to each his own.

I heard that he did post here but what's his name on-line? I don't know if I've seen him or not before
hmmmm reunion album......
maybe Opeth is the only band i wouldn't feel suspicious about them realeasing a reunion album....
hehe what an objective way of thinking :grin:
Originally posted by Melancholia
hmmmm reunion album......
maybe Opeth is the only band i wouldn't feel suspicious about them realeasing a reunion album....
hehe what an objective way of thinking :grin:

Yeah if Anders played the drums than where would Martin go :confused: :lol:
;) My pong friend.

The official Opeth site. The Opeth history! We all must know the history. Opeth 101 classes begin this fall.

A reunion single would be sweet. A whole album seems unrealistic. A nice 10-15 minute single. Then again, the idea of getting two CDs instead of one the next time Opeth made their next release seemed unrealistic too.

Man, Mikael can really bust out with it....FAST!

"Our abode 'mongst the stars is waiting,
Long enough for our last breath of life."
Originally posted by Opth_001

Yeah if Anders played the drums than where would Martin go :confused: :lol:

Anders could just play the piano on a song... Silhouette, remember. :)

On two CDs, if one really wanted to, one could find space for a song with a neat piano part, AND dueling bassists for a bit, wouldn't one think? Make it a five minute instrumental, call it 'Reunion', and have people talking for years. :)
Originally posted by terrymx
opeth should make a reunion album

This makes it sound like Opeth has broken up and no longer exists.

IMO, reunion albums are for bands that have been out of service for at least 5 years. I hope it's 30 years before we see an Opeth reunion album.
Originally posted by Hearse
He had to go Brazil for personal reasons, and He said that it was his hardest decision ever.
And No! He definitely wasn't kicked out. Haven't you read Opeth history? Shame! :p

Well I didn't know where to look for the offical Opeth history so I kinda missed out on that pit of information. That's why I turned to my fellow Opethians :)