ANDROMEDA -Immunity Zone- Official feedback thread

Good release for them...not an Extension or II=I but it's good. Slaves of the Plethora Season, Worst Enemy, Another Step, & Veil of Illumination are the highlights...Veil is an epic song...good stuff.
Like the other Andromeda CDs, it has some songs that don't do much for me, and others that do. But Andromeda songs that I like, I *really* like. It also seems like they got a little more diverse this time; something like Worst Enemy sounds quite different vocally than other songs they've done. (In fact, every time I hear that song I go crazy with that "this reminds me of someone else, but I can't think of who that someone else is!" moments.)

So, while I'm not going ga-ga over it, it's a strong CD and I think I like it better than Chimera, but not as good as Extension, or II=I.

BTW, how was their reception at the Indianapolis Metal Festival?

BTW, how was their reception at the Indianapolis Metal Festival?

That in itself is a long story, but to make it short, we (Lance and I and the band) decides it was not worth he time and money to send them up there, as we had no correspondence from the promoters in the two weeks leading up to the show. And we found out they the whole festival got thrown out of the venue on friday due to some city rule, and then the whole Saturday show was cancelled. So, it was really a good call on our part, plus the band had a better time hanging out at PP with all the fans.
Hi Lance,

I picked this one up from your booth at ProgPower. I think that The Immunity Zone is a very strong release. I'm liking it a lot. This CD is turning out to be one of my favorite recent releases (along with Seventh Wonder's Mercy Falls).

I'm still very new to Andromeda's music so I can't make much of a comparison to their other works. The only two older songs that I recall being exposed to previously were "Encyclopedia" and "Mirages" from the II=I CD which I thought were killer tracks as well.

Right now the two songs that stick out from Immunity Zone for me are tracks 2 & 3 ("Slaves of the Plethora Season" and "Ghosts On Retinas"). I find that I'll get the chorus of "Plethoa Season" stuck in my head pretty easily as well as the lower rougher sounding vocal part from "Ghosts".

Really good stuff. These guys pulled off an amazing performance at ProgPower. One of the highlights for me this year.

Andromeda makes an excellent addition to the Nightmare Records label.

Ian Ringler
Section 16
That in itself is a long story, but to make it short, we (Lance and I and the band) decides it was not worth he time and money to send them up there, as we had no correspondence from the promoters in the two weeks leading up to the show. And we found out they the whole festival got thrown out of the venue on friday due to some city rule, and then the whole Saturday show was cancelled. So, it was really a good call on our part, plus the band had a better time hanging out at PP with all the fans.

It is wrong to say that in a strange way I'm glad to hear they didn't go?

I didn't make it to PP this year, so I was at first very interested when I saw the post about Andromeda heading to the Indianapolis Metal Festival, since Indy is only 2.5 hours from me. But then I looked into IMF and saw what it was - over 40 bands in 2 days in some downtown theater. Ugh. Andromeda would have been sharing the stage(s) with such heavy metal luminaries as Maggot Twat. So, frankly, I was worried that they'd put a lot of effort into getting up to IMF only to have 15-20 minutes of stage time, in a show likely to become a complete cluster-you-know-what.

So, frankly, I think you made a good call in the first place by not having them haul all the way up here, and I'm glad that it turned out to be the *right* call, too.

It is wrong to say that in a strange way I'm glad to hear they didn't go?

I didn't make it to PP this year, so I was at first very interested when I saw the post about Andromeda heading to the Indianapolis Metal Festival, since Indy is only 2.5 hours from me. But then I looked into IMF and saw what it was - over 40 bands in 2 days in some downtown theater. Ugh. Andromeda would have been sharing the stage(s) with such heavy metal luminaries as Maggot Twat. So, frankly, I was worried that they'd put a lot of effort into getting up to IMF only to have 15-20 minutes of stage time, in a show likely to become a complete cluster-you-know-what.

So, frankly, I think you made a good call in the first place by not having them haul all the way up here, and I'm glad that it turned out to be the *right* call, too.


Thanks Ken, sorry you didn't make it this year I was really looking forward to meeting you.
I picked it up and like it a lot. After about 10 spins I would say it isn't their best, but not their worst either. Very solid and more diverse as said above. The diversity sure has the makings of being contagious. On a side note, their live performance at PP was incredible!
I picked it up and like it a lot. After about 10 spins I would say it isn't their best, but not their worst either. Very solid and more diverse as said above. The diversity sure has the makings of being contagious. On a side note, their live performance at PP was incredible!
I LOVED their PPUSA IX set! They were my 3rd fave band of Friday night.
Pretty decent so far. I don't think it is as strong as II=I or Chimera, but there are some songs that do kick my ass. ("My Star" comes to mind.)
