Angel Dust news

Angel Dust without Dirk Thurisch would be like Accept without Udo. I can't really imagine it. However, I will give them a shot. Angel Dust was extremely underrated as a band. I have been to five Progpower USA events and the absolute best moment at ANY of those PP shows was PPII when Angel Dust played "Bleed." The show was only half full at the time, not like today's Progpower USA that sells out in a few days, but the crowd went absolutely nuts when they played that song. Great band !!

Extremely underrated band who fizzled right about the time they were carving out some respect.

As much as I like Bleed, I've got to say that Enlighten The Darkness is a deeply respected album within my collection.

Rock on!
Angel Dust without Dirk Thurisch would be like Accept without Udo. I can't really imagine it. However, I will give them a shot. Angel Dust was extremely underrated as a band. I have been to five Progpower USA events and the absolute best moment at ANY of those PP shows was PPII when Angel Dust played "Bleed." The show was only half full at the time, not like today's Progpower USA that sells out in a few days, but the crowd went absolutely nuts when they played that song. Great band !!


It was a GREAT set, and they are totally cool dudes!
Dirk was teaching a drunk J-Dub German toasts at one of the after parties...:headbang:
I would say Bleed and EtD are about neck and neck in my ears. I think EtD is actually a little stronger cover to cover, but the song "Bleed" no matter how goofy the lyrics just absolutely blows me away. I would put it in my top fifty songs of all time.... maybe top twenty. When I think of metal anthems, that is one song that immediately pops into my head.
J-Dub.... yes indeed the AD guys were cool. Dirk, and big Bro Banx didn't seem to get along, but both were really cool. The American guitarist wasn't real friendly, but I think he was more shy as opposed to being an asshole.


Extremely underrated band who fizzled right about the time they were carving out some respect.

As much as I like Bleed, I've got to say that Enlighten The Darkness is a deeply respected album within my collection.

Rock on!

It was a GREAT set, and they are totally cool dudes!
Dirk was teaching a drunk J-Dub German toasts at one of the after parties...:headbang: