Angelwitch DVD on e-bay

have 1, not sure if its the 1 i have, but when i bought their Live at La2 cd, it came with a bonus live dvd. if its this 1, dont even bother, the quality is absolute garbage. the camera looks like it was filming from a balcony and didnt use zoom. im not complaing, because i wasnt expecting a dvd with my cd. but just to give you a heads up what might be out there.
Thanks Midnightrider, I hadn't noticed that on ebay. I usually check ebay every few days cos I'm looking for an Angel Witch badge that I saw ages ago but got outbid on but I haven't managed to see the exact same badge. I've not checked ebay for Angel Witch stuff for a good few days now so missed this DVD. I've emailed him asking for some screenshots, so I'll see what they look like. That would be brilliant to have an Angel Witch DVD - here's hoping it looks good quality cos its only £4.99 - I'm going to watch it anyway and I might make a bid for it.
What happened to that Angel Witch DVD. I went on ebay this morning to have another look at it and I can't find it now. Midnightrider did you buy it!!!! Or was it ending soon - I forgot to watch it. Damn all.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
What happened to that Angel Witch DVD. I went on ebay this morning to have another look at it and I can't find it now. Midnightrider did you buy it!!!! Or was it ending soon - I forgot to watch it. Damn all.

Yeah it was me who had the winning bid on that princess ;)
valanx said:
Yeah it was me who had the winning bid on that princess ;)

Damn you to hell Valanx, I had a feeling it was you that won the Angel Witch DVD, you being more of a hardcore fan than me - I'm gonny come down to your house tonight and decapitate you, you big fat runt!!!!!

Oh no hang on, I take it all back, any chance you could burn me a copy of it oh lovely handsome sweet Emperor hehehehehehe!!!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
lovely handsome sweet Emperor

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
lovely handsome sweet Emperor

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
lovely handsome sweet Emperor

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
lovely handsome sweet Emperor

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
lovely handsome sweet Emperor


I didnt really win it, as im sure you had guessed already.. You just used the opportunity to chat me up yet again! lol
LOL yes I knew you didn't win the DVD Emperor but you're right I just canny resist buttering you up cos not only do you totally rock but you are so ultra cool and so ultra handsome. Just a pity you is married now,still I can solve that problem easily enough, I'll just come to you house one night and decapitate the Emperess instead of you - brill idea dont you think?
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
LOL yes I knew you didn't win the DVD Emperor but you're right I just canny resist buttering you up cos not only do you totally rock but you are so ultra cool and so ultra handsome. Just a pity you is married now,still I can solve that problem easily enough, I'll just come to you house one night and decapitate the Emperess instead of you - brill idea dont you think?

Hmm let me think...While i do indeed like the idea of NOT having my f**cking head cut off, i cant really say that having my wife decapitated instead is a "Brill Idea".........Its not a bad idea....But its just not "Brill"
LOL nope I forgot all about it Emperor. My head is like a sieve these days, I've been that busy trying to think of a suitable Christmas present for you, everything else went right out of my head and its proving very difficult cos I don't know what to get for the guy who has absolutely everything. But now I know what to get you, well its for your new wain actually, I saw some cool bibs with Saxon on the front of them - but you could use them as well cos when you drooling over all that porn you watch, the bids would come in mighty handy to soak up all the drool dont you think lol!!! Am I evil, yes I am
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
LOL nope I forgot all about it Emperor. My head is like a sieve these days, I've been that busy trying to think of a suitable Christmas present for you, everything else went right out of my head and its proving very difficult cos I don't know what to get for the guy who has absolutely everything. But now I know what to get you, well its for your new wain actually, I saw some cool bibs with Saxon on the front of them - but you could use them as well cos when you drooling over all that porn you watch, the bids would come in mighty handy to soak up all the drool dont you think lol!!! Am I evil, yes I am

Lol , again i find myself somewhere between flattered and insulted princess, how do you do that so consistently!!

Strong with the darkside you are!