angerflow feat borat

Just curious... How does a band that uses a nazi flag as their back banner even find a gig? I'm sure it's difficult so come to LA I'll set you guys up a gig at my local temple :heh:
well those club members are our friends and i think it was drummers friend who put that flag up he just got little bit weird kind of humor,likes to tease people :) i was just whatever but wont do that any other place were no nazi fanatics at all
so your friend has a wierd humor... and just by some wierd coincidence owns a swastika flag

I'd rethink sharing this video as you'll find it hard to get gigs, as lots of promotors are quite itchy about this stuff

Although i'm sure you'll find a few who'll welcome you with open hands, just don't mention the "friends wierd humor" excuse ;)