Angra introduces new drummer - video

I will have to go back and listen to ToS again. I remember that I did enjoy most of Rebirth and some of Aqua, I just missed the unique things that attracted me to them (Matos' voice and the native instrumentation).

Give it a shot and follow it with the concept if you can (it's on the booklet). It's one of my favorite concept albums ever and in my opinion the strongest "Edu-era" album. I think the songs flow very well back to back and the music is absolutely impressive.
Angra seems to be placed in a similar category to bands like Dream Theater and Queensryche in the sense that they have been held under constant scrutiny after releasing an album that met with an overwhelming consensus of amazement ("Images And Words," "Operation: Mindcrime," and "Holy Land"). Personally, I don't understand all of the flack that Angra receives for their last two albums. While they were certainly no "Holy Land" or "Temple Of Shadows," they were still really well-executed affairs. I truly believe that even Angra's weakest album (if you can pick one as their weakest) is still better than 75% of other releases in their genre.

Since Fabio has been involved with the band, I've gone through a rollercoaster of feelings over it. I was initially intrigued, then ecstatic when I saw the rehearsal footage from the 70,000 Tons cruise, then disappointed when I saw footage of the "Angels Cry" material from the 20th anniversary DVD, and now excited again after watching the videos posted by Milton. I've decided that I really like how Fabio approaches the Edu-era material, and I also enjoy his approach to the Andre-era material as long as it's not the speedier material from "Angels Cry." Obviously, the new album will be the final test to see how well he works within the band.

As for Bruno, I'm impressed. To my eyes and ears, he falls somewhere between the two previous drummers. He has a more natural drum sound like Ricardo, but he has a precision that's akin to that of Aquiles. It's strange to see Ricardo is suddenly out of the band, as it seemed that the band was on a roll with this new lineup, but it is what it is.

With all of that said, I hope this new Angra release comes out soon and that it's impressive enough for Glenn to extend an invitation.

Stay metal. Never rust.


I couldn't agree more with everything you said except for the fact that I wasn't too disappointed with the DVD. Perhaps just not used to it - but I got over it quickly hehe. I can't wait for the new material - not that you guys couldn't tell that already. :lol::rock:
@Angra Rules

One day I'd really like to discuss some things with you about Angra. They used to be my favorite band in the world for a while, back in the 90s. I still love them, but the DVD I saw with Fabio only made me sad.

I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry on, especially on the songs from the Matos era.

Anyway, I'll see them on Hellfest in 2 weeks so I'll know better, but I consider Fabio one of the worst choices they could make, music wise always. I like his voice, but not for Angra. Not at all...

They seem like an average band in my eyes and to rephrase Grohl I though something like "there go my heroes, they're ordinary".

Now, why is Ricardo out?

I was a fan(not a huge one) of Angra. As a Brazilian I saw Angra live tons of times(with Andre, Edu and Fabio). I saw Angra with Fabio twice...Uninspired and plain bad.

Now? They may play in my city(where there are almost zero gigs) and I will not leave my house to attend the gig.

Maybe the next CD is worth something.
One of the ugliest things I've seen and heard is the duet with Tarja on "Stand Away"
Man, I can't even understand who likes this performance.

This. Although, to be fair, I pin the carnage here on Tarja and not so much Fabio.

I've been an Angra fanboy since the first couple albums, but have slowly lost interest more and more with each subsequent album. To be fair, as others had said, their WORST album is still a very solid disc, just nowhere near the magic they used to bring each and every time.

I was very excited for the DVD with Fabio, and while there are parts that absolutely click on all cylinders, there are other moments that are near cringe-worthy. It's not that I don't like Fabio (I like pretty much everything he has done, with Athena's "New Religion" being the pinnacle); I'm just not sure his voice consistently fits with Angra's writing. If he is involved in the writing process, and they tailor the songs to his voice, this could be a GREAT album. If they just try to fit him in, ala the DVD, I think I will be disappointed.

I really WANT to be excited about this new album, but I'm just not feeling it anymore. I need something SPECIAL from Angra at this point. There are just too many other great bands out there that have taken there formula and added to it for Angra to come back with another mediocre effort.
There are just too many other great bands out there that have taken there formula and added to it for Angra to come back with another mediocre effort.

I am very optimistic about it and would find it hard to believe that an Angra album produced by Jens Bogren would be mediocre... but we'll wait and see. I'm looking forward to it. :kickass:
With everything that has gone on in the Angra camp in the last 13 years or so, lets just say I hold the first two albums very dear to my heart. Take that as you will.
I'm a downer because I like a certain era of a band? How bout you try and convince me otherwise instead of being a smart c#nt.
I'm a downer because I like a certain era of a band? How bout you try and convince me otherwise instead of being a smart c#nt.


Oi! Did a dingo eat your sense of humour?!?

Momentarily. It came flooding back with that picture of Jacko you posted. I think some spit came outta my mouth lol.
Promised to return after watching them performing live at Hellfest, France.

Well, faith restored.

I truly enjoyed the band, even though on the first two tracks "Angels Cry" and "Nothing To Say" there were some problems with Kiko's guitar here and there.

Fabio delivered a great performance overall (just a few highs that he seems to scream that I don't like). I was very satisfied and you've read how I felt about the DVD.

The young dude on the drums is obviously very talented. His playing was solid (I was impressed by the fact that he holds the stick on the left hand in jazzy way), but of course he needs time to present something of his own.

Met Fabio backstage, had a quick chat. He is a very kind and very nice guy.
its funny I have been on a massive Angra kick again lately, while I love the older material, Fireworks and Angels Cry alot, Rebirth is my favorite album. I am not a fan of Fabio, so we shall see how the new album turns out. I just hope the music is a return to form like Rebirth was, one of the best guitar albums ever!
