ANGRA is back


Aug 1, 2002
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It's official! Angra posted a note today officializing its return after a hiatus of 2 years!!! They are heading for a Latin-American tour alongside Sepultura, then a new album will be recorded and a massive world-tour follows it.

The most interesting part of the return of Ricardo Confessori behind the drums, replacing Aquiles Priester, who left the band due to a few "issues"...

Can't wait to see them back!!! :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
Holy moley! What about Shaman is Ricardo still in that too? What the heck happened between Aquilles and the other guys?? All they need to do now is punch Edu and Andreas and get Andre Matos and Luis in and you've got the original dream team!:)
Well I think there is more to the story than all this but it will unfold in due time....Lets just wish them the best and hope they sell alot of tickets and merchandise :headbang:

At this point, with all due respect and being an Angra fan from day1....let it go. Is there really THAT big of a demand for a return? What's left in the tank? We do have some great NEW bands (quality bands) AND we have plenty of great music from Angra over their long career. Or just get Andre back and they can tour with Van Halen with DLR and call it the "We hate each other but we need the cash" Tour 2009.
At this point, with all due respect and being an Angra fan from day1....let it go. Is there really THAT big of a demand for a return? What's left in the tank? We do have some great NEW bands (quality bands) AND we have plenty of great music from Angra over their long career.
I'll come at this from a completely different perspective. I'm not an Angra fanboy. I've never been a huge fan of Matos, so I really didn't develop a strong appreciation for the band until he departed. That said, while Aurora Consurgens was somewhat lackluster, Temple of Shadows was phenomenal. And I can count all the great young bands, in the Prog and Power genres, who have topped that release on one hand... and I don't even need all five fingers.

Awesome news! Angra is still my favorite band and TOS is my favorite album. Hopefully there will be no more setbacks for them and they can get on with making some more fantastic music.
Angra has always been an inconsistent band, usually boomeranging between mediocre and spectacular releases. Since the last one was medicore, we're due for spectacular.