Angra's return.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
After two years of silence Angra is ready to go on and now with the return of their original drummer Roberto Confessori. The information on their website (in Portuguese) give no clue of what happens, besides the fact that Aquiles Priester is no longer the drummer and Confessori is back.

Also there are no clues about what will happen to Shaaman the band that originally Matos, Mariutti and Confessori built after they split from Angra. As many will know Matos and Mariutti left Shaaman and now they play as Andre Matos band, while Confessori kept Shaaman and recorded another album.

I'm a fan of Matos (one of my reasons to go to PPX) but I more or less like the stuff Angra had put out lately. Maybe with the return of Confessori the band will recover some energy since besides "Rebirth" the next albums are pale compared with what the band did in its beginning.
Good news indeed. I heard this hiatus was because of disagreements with their manager (who owned the name Angra), did they get rid of him or what happened?

I got the Falaschi-era Angra albums last year and have to agree that Rebirth (+Hunters and Prey) is head and shoulders above Temple of Shadows and Aurora Consurgens. Edu's vocals especially changed quite a bit; he sounds like a god on Rebirth but seems to struggle on the later ones.

The continued existence of Shaman does seem kinda pointless now. The third album was surprisingly good though.