Angry Katrina residents confront Congress


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
I am going to comment because I can't take it anymore
Get jobs you bums!!!!

Victims: Racism was factor in slow Katrina response

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Black survivors of Hurricane Katrina said Tuesday that racism contributed to the slow disaster response, at times likening themselves in emotional congressional testimony to victims of genocide and the Holocaust.

Milano: Oh please, The jews ween't stealing DVD players and Plasma T.V.'s when they were marched into the death camps you lazy drugged out welfare freeloaders.

The comparison is inappropriate, according to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Florida.
"Not a single person was marched into a gas chamber and killed," Miller told the survivors.

Milano: I agree, but just incase they had TV's DVD's and beer.

Angry evacuees described being trapped in temporary shelters where one New Orleans resident said she was "one sunrise from being consumed by maggots and flies." Another woman said military troops focused machine gun laser targets on her granddaughter's forehead. Others said their families were called racial epithets by police.

Milano: Later on the police also helped themselves to DVD players TV's and Caddilacs.

"No one is going to tell me it wasn't a race issue," said New Orleans evacuee Patricia Thompson, 53, who is now living in College Station, Texas. "Yes, it was an issue of race. Because of one thing: when the city had pretty much been evacuated, the people that were left there mostly was black."

Milano: They didn;'t want to leave because they felt the levees would hold. Also they would actually have to GET OFF THEIR LAZY ASSES to leave the house. Because after all, The welfare check lands in their mailbox shouldn't the ride to leave as well????

Not all lawmakers seemed persuaded.
"I don't want to be offensive when you've gone though such incredible challenges," said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Connecticut. But referring to some of the victims' charges, like the gun pointed at the girl, Shays said: "I just don't frankly believe it."

Milano: Neither do I. Put down the gin and juice you BUMS!!!!

The hearing was held by a special House committee, chaired by Rep. Tom Davis, R-Virginia, investigating the government's preparations and response
to Katrina. It was requested by Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Georgia, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Milano: "The Congressional Black Caucus"?? Wow that's fucking Racist, maybe we shouldn't give them any of our WHITE TAXES!!!!!

"Racism is something we don't like to talk about, but we have to acknowledge it," McKinney said. "And the world saw the effects of American-style racism in the drama as it was outplayed by the Katrina survivors."

Milano: RAcism is all BLACK PEOPLE TALK ABOUT!! Without Racism you have no excuses for being lazy. People would actually see what freeloading bums you are!!!!

The five white and two black lawmakers who attended the hearing mostly sat quietly during two and a half hours of testimony. But tempers flared when evacuees were asked by Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Florida, to not compare shelter conditions to a concentration camp. "I'm going to call it what it is," said Hodges. "That is the only thing I could compare what we went through to."

Milano: For most of these people it's all they have ever done. Lazy welfare freeloaders.

Of five black evacuees who testified, only one said he believed the sluggish response was the product of bad government planning for poor residents -- not racism

Milano; Well at least one got it right, partially. Maybe if they lived above see level like normal people it wouldn't have happened.
Just my thoughts..

You have got to be kidding me! I'm sick and tired of these lazy black bastards always screaming "RACISM!" The fact that they compare themselves with holocause victems makes me laugh. It's sad at the same time. But if you really look at, I can see why Hitler would have wanted these freeloading bastards dead. I've got a great idea. Billy said something similar. Why don't you get off your lazy asses, stop raping women, stop dealing drugs ans hanging out at KFC and GET A FUCKING JOB AND ACTUALLY FEND FOR YOURSELVES FOR ONCE IN YOUR USELESS LIVES?! That way, the govorment won't have to waste their money on your lazy, pathetic black asses!
Buzzard said:
Nobody looted the Library. Every copy of "Marry your baby's Daddy" still accounted for.

Lol. Dont forget to mention "How to figure out who your babies daddy is" I am sure that was in full stock, along with "Get a Fucking Job"
Milano: "The Congressional Black Caucus"?? Wow that's fucking Racist, maybe we shouldn't give them any of our WHITE TAXES!!!!!

I say the same thing about the Red States stealing all the tax money from the Blue States. If it weren't for the Blue States, those hillbillies would be broke.