Annelore Vantomme Leaves Gwyllion


Metal Mistress
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD - USA
Taken from the band's myspace page:

Gwyllion said:
Bad news

As some of you may have heard already, Annelore has decided to quit the band. Gwyllion is planning their first tour this year, but Annelore felt she could not leave everything behind for two weeks to go on tour through Europe. Several options were considered, like touring with an interim singer, but in the end Annelore decided to quit all together.

Of course this is a major blow for Gwyllion, as Annelore has been both a major part of our sound for the last few years and on our two albums, and a very close friend, but we respect Annelore's decision and wish her all the best in her future life.

Gwyllion is now actively searching for a new lead singer. Anyone interested in this position can contact the band at

The CD release will go on as planned, so expect more news about this soon!

For more info go to or