Annihilator - New Album Details

I'm going to need a lot of positive reviews to start piling up before I buy this one. I got burned pretty hard with Metal, despite that album having a great title and a cool-looking cover. I learned that lesson the first time.
Agreed...what was wrong with Metal? I thought that album was solid.

Also checked out the link...what a great album cover!

I completely agree on the album cover comment, it's different and ballsy, not even using the logo. It's also a self titled album, so that should be interesting as well, as the majority of self titled albums I have listened to have been pretty high up in the quality of said band's releases. I have no doubt that the team of Jeff and Dave will keep that going. Besides, Dave is now the longest running singer of Annihilator, he is no longer the new guy and they are more and more comfortable working together. I see great things on the horizon.
UGH, you KNOW how much I hate that band, I will come find you at Progpower and you and I are gonna tangle! Wait, it probably won't be hard to find you, you are gonna be working beside me at the nightmare table, hahahah.

Just had to throw that in there, i know better.
Damn it!!! I want this disc now!!! I am already spazzing about it! Does anyone know if there is any special editions ect or did i miss something that was already told?:devil: