Annihilator + Trivium Tour 2007!

Jan 27, 2006
Hell yeah!

Trivum takes Annihilator with them on tour...(It should be the opposit :rock: )

"The Year That Metal Returned In Full Force, With A Vengeance!!!".
The tour takes place in europe, many dates...
check out either bands website for more info!

...also a new annihilator album will be released in early April 2007.
Yes Trivium should open for Annihilator instead
But I think Trivium are one of the few newer bands that are taking back the thrash sound for a new generation...and I also think they have done some great song...

...and Yeah Annihilator are the better band, no discussion...but you should know they are "thanking" Trivium for picking them for support for the tour (read on their website).
I don't like Trivium's 'new generation' thrash, it sounds like a little boy screaming with some metalcore guitars behind it, if you want real modern thrash go listen Destruction or Exodus. Trivium doesn't have the agression to be thrash, it sounds more 80's pop than thrash.
Yeah Trivium just has that weird new vibe,

I am a huge Destruction and Exodus fan, but the new Destruction and Exodus???
:yuk: :yuk: If that is modern thrash then I hate to say it but thrash might be dead.
Yeah Trivium just has that weird new vibe,

I am a huge Destruction and Exodus fan, but the new Destruction and Exodus???
:yuk: :yuk: If that is modern thrash then I hate to say it but thrash might be dead.

Huh? Shovel Headed Kill Machine sounds like pure Exodus to me. It's a little rawer, and the vocals are slightly different, but it sounds like thrash metal to. Tempo of the Damned sounded like they never stopped playing at all. I haven't heard the last two Destruction albums so I can't say anything about that.

Trivium do suck. I heard their newest effort last week, damn it blew. I bet Annihilator wipes them off the stage.
Man I would really love to see Annihilator,do they ever really tour the states?