Annoying kick?


Oct 29, 2008
Having a bit of trouble with the eq on the kick. The kick is slate nr10 and my current eq is kind of insane:).
My biggest concern is that it might sound a bit "farty". I don't really mind the "plastic" sound though.

Here is a a clip: (shredder10 Icarus Lives DI)

Some EQ suggestions would be cool. :cool:
It's just a little flappy. You might have some room bleed on your superior mixer too much. Simple way to test is to mute the kick and see if the frequency is still there. The fart concern comes from a really odd bass drive. Use headphones to track that out :)
I can´t hear any low end in the kick, and the overall drum mix seems pretty messed up. I would try to make the snare, kick and cymbals sound like they are part of the same intrument, not completely disconected stuff. I like the guitar and bass tone!
Might be a bit to much compression on the kick? It probably doesn't need any, and I might need to do a proper mix to evaluate the kick sound. Everything is always harder then I think. :)

I'm not a fan of the slate kicks either but decided I would try and eq them like a madman and maybe get a usable result.
It might not be worth the effort though, I'll better ask santa if he can give me SD Metal Foundry. Or maybe a drum replacer software. :)