Another 5150/Avatar 4x12/Sm57/ SSD3.0 CliP


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
So im still working with the avatar cab and my 5150 head.

Trying to get that alittle bit more of body that the tone needed.

What do you think? I lowered the gain to 3 from 4. Boosted the lows and res on this clip.

Lo and hi pass at 60 and 12.5

Andy Sneap C4 settings. (i think it sounds better with it, it gets muddy without it.)

Im liking how the guitars sound on this one.

The 1 SM57 is on the edge of the cone about a half inch from the grill.

Quad tracked.
You are getting awesome tones with that set up!

Maybe you can add the Body you are looking for adding a Bass guitar, personally i find the tone really nice.
Sounds even better than the last one. I think you nailed this one though, it sounds pretty good to me. I'm not sure if there's anything that I would change. Although I think the drums could come up just a tad but I'm assuming that you have the drums lower to judge the guitar tone.

Maybe you can add the Body you are looking for adding a Bass guitar, personally i find the tone really nice.

I'm not positive but I'm pretty certain that I hear a bass in there already, but it could probably come up a tad.
What guitar are you using by the way??

Yeah maybe there is the bass, i can´t hear it at all, but im listening with crappy laptop speakers though
God, this destroys pretty much anything I've ever heard from a 5150 head, so much warmer and crunchier - there really must be some different mojo to the combo! (I guess it's the warmer biasing)
Thanks guys!

What do you suggest for the bass guitar? Its there and its got alot of EQ to it. its really bright, thats probably why you cant hear it too