another AZ band one might want the cd of:


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
The new Fall of Empyrean full cd is out now. It's called A Darkness Remembered

Go to: and go to "Releases" under "Online Store" on the left hand side.

This is the label that helped us financially in releasing it, and they get the majority of the CDs to sell. It's very cheap from them, and FoE doesn't yet have our copies, so if you want one now, order through there!

"A Darkness Remembered" is eight tracks of melodic doom metal, running around 63 minutes, so you get a nice bang for your buck.
I told Justin that Adrian bromley,who writes articles for metal maniacs and is in control of unrestrained mag, was chatting with me and wanted a copy of the cd. Justin told me richard was sending him one.

I have met Adrian at a few metalfests and we chat here and there. He is a cool individual.
I tried to load the mp3s earlier, but they never worked. An hour later my mom was on the comp and all of a sudden these godly death metal vocals start blasting and she was all :OMG: and I was like :rock: I dont even know if it was you guys cause no programs were open...