Another Band - Enchant

Originally posted by lizard
since prog gets little mainstream press, we seem to learn about bands by word of mouth...
anyone here familiar with the SF band Enchant? I have "Blink of an Eye" and I like it very much....

Enchant is awesome!!! I've got all their CDs, with my current favorite being Juggling 9 And Dropping 10.
Originally posted by lizard
since prog gets little mainstream press, we seem to learn about bands by word of mouth...
anyone here familiar with the SF band Enchant? I have "Blink of an Eye" and I like it very much....

I have their 1st disc, and I was extremely impressed when I first heard it....definitely another great under-appreciated band.

Originally posted by lizard
the album I mentioned above, even though I really enjoy it, one thing irritates me about the title cut...towards the end of the song, Doug Ott, the guitarist, is playing a furious solo and rather than the producer fading the track out, it just ends abruptly, as if it runs off a cliff! Aaaargh

I think that's the point - like the song ending in a blink of an eye. I thought it was strange at first as well, but now I think it fits given the name of the song and the lyrics. has more impact.
I've only heard clips of their stuff, and it didn't impress me. Perhaps I should check them out again.
The ending Rick is talking about sounds a little like the ending to Pull Me Under by a band you might have heard of.....Dream Theater, or something like that.
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
I've only heard clips of their stuff, and it didn't impress me. Perhaps I should check them out again.
The ending Rick is talking about sounds a little like the ending to Pull Me Under by a band you might have heard of.....Dream Theater, or something like that.

Lee, I think you would really like these guys. The best description I can give is Dream Theater meets Fish-era Marillion. They're not so technical that it's shredding, but the music is very progressive and melodic, lyrics/vocals have a Fish-esque emotional quality, and the music retains a metal edge (most of the time). Plus, the vocalist is amazing - sounds like the singer from Kansas!

Blueprint of the World is probably the disk to check out first, as it's their first.
I am a huge Enchant fan. One of my favorite bands. "Blink of an Eye" is my favorite. I've been listening to it constantly since it was released last summer.
Originally posted by lizard
I have heard some people say that Blink of an Eye is where Enchant really comes into their own...I see from the comments above that some of you may debate that, but I have only heard this one CD so I can't comment.

I suppose the abrupt ending of the song must be symbolic of the death that occurs in it.

You may want to check out their 1998 album "Break"... which features a great tune called "Lizard".