Another Black Sabbath BBS Runaway

Since I've posted a couple things around here, I figure I'd introduce myself finally. 17, been playing guitar for as long as I can remember, like death/thrash/black metal, and grindcore.

Favorite bands: Slayer, Megadeth, Dream Theater, Children of Bodom, King Crimson, Soilent Green, Nile, Marduk, Testament, etc.

As I said, I too am a former Black Sabbath BBS inhabitant who was run off by the evil corperate giant that is Sony. So howdy!
How is it that Sony ran you all off of the message board, anyway? I've heard Sony mentioned a few times & am curious about what happened..
Well, the board most of us posted at was the Slayer Bullet Board, and when Slayer left Sony, they shut the board down. Most of us migrated to the Black Sabbath BBS, and all was well for about a year or two, then one day I check the board and it was read only i.e. no new posts, and the only people who could make new posts were Scarab and Ricoh, so Scarab suggested this board.
Sony was switching to a new forum software and in typical Sony fashion gave everyone no warning. So goes life.

Ahhhh okay..well that's pretty freakin lame on their part..but we're glad to have ya'll here! :)