Another Cab Question


Oct 14, 2007
Ok, So I have an Avatar 2x12 cab with Eminence... I wanna say M12's or something like that rated at 240 watts from about 5 years ago.

Micing it up, these speakers/or the cab just don't sound too good. Fine for just jamming, but in the studio, I have no use for them.

I'm trying to decide what to do and was wondering about replacing the Eminence speakers with some V30's. Do you think this would be a good idea, or do you think the cab itself isn't worth it. I really can't afford a nice $1000 cab, but I also don't want to waste $200 on speakers if the cab I have will make them sound cheap.

The other thing is, I think V30's are rated at 60 watts, so the cab would support 120 watts. My amp however puts out 150 watts. How much of a problem is that? Isn't it a total no no that would blow the speakers? I know there are things like the Hot plate, but I can't drop another 2 or 3 hundred on one anytime soon.

So what should I do? Thanks for input!