Another Clip from my solo album material!

So here's a snippet of one of the guitar DI's in the beginning... Nothin fake about it.. Obviously I punched in when I play the heavier part:

so you're saying those fast palm muted parts are completely unedited? :OMG:

can't wait to hear this album, definitely looking forward to it!
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so you're saying those fast palm muted parts are completely unedited? :OMG:

can't wait to hear this album, definitely looking forward to it!


Like I said before though, it took me many more than just one take though, so I kind of had my fire going at that point
Actually, I made a mistake. There is one part that I hit an open E during the fast palm mute section that I DID in fact slide a better sounding one in.. Oh well though. I don't think that's the part that sounds fake.. Just realized that I forgot to crossfade it too
Mh.. Sounds really cool, although this style is not my cup of tea... But keep it up, good job (from an objective point of view :) )
Wow. just wow. that is impressive. the whole mix is really really tight, very nice playing! and i dont think it sounds fake, everything just sounds perfectly in tempo. very professional sounding also. I will be needing to get your CD release when it comes out, i LOVE this!
seriously, if you play guitar around women do they just start spitting out babies or what?

that shwizz made my butt fall off!

you own nick!

***just realized how old this thread is. 'ZWONK!'
Woah thanks so much guys!

I'm still slowly, but surely working on this stuff. Some of it is sooo insane I can't wait for people to hear it :)
May i ask, What Amp/Cab was used for this? Sounds really awsome man.
And Hell of a great guitarist you are Man!