Another Cool Announcement


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
Another new cool thing to put out there. Me and my buddy Roger from Switzerland have talked periodically over the years about doing something musically together. Well as you know we managed to hook up for the last Artension record, Future World. And now we've parlayed that into working on another album.
Says Rog:

However, speaking of my solo record it's in the works and I have signed a multi licensing deal with Marquee/Avalon Japan and the Band will be called Roger Staffelbach's Angel of Eden.

The Line Up will be as follows:
Roger Staffelbach Guitars
Carsten Schulz Vocals (Domain, Evidence One)
Ferdy Doernberg Keys (Uli Jon Roth)
Mats Olausson Keys (Yngwie Malmsteen)
Steve Di Giorgio Bass (Testament, Sebastian Bach)
Rami Ali Drums (Evidence One)

There will be some Guest Appearances, I will let you know details soon.
I will from now on keep you updated as we proceed finishing everything up.
In the meantime
Keep rockin' on

There will be updates on his website,, from time to time. I'm really looking forward to this. Rog is an awesome guitarist and has written some killer classic metal tunes. And you can tell by the line up that it will definitely be some shredding stuff.