another digital recording thread...

This might seem very vague, but I need a good, inexpensive soundcard. I mostly will be recording one track at a time and won't be doing MIDI. However, I don't want to limit my options.

Any suggestions?
Originally posted by scarr3d
what kind of b-box can you connect this to? what if you were going to record an acoustic drum set?

if you had a mixer instead of a b-box, would you just connect the main outs on the mixer into the RCA In's on the card?

This card has an b-cable instead of a b-box... So no b-box what so ever will you connect to this card. You connect the mixer to the card. It's not the best card to record acoutic drums because it only has 2 analog inputs. You can get max 4 inputs if you route 2 channels trough S/PDIF...
Originally posted by minDthEgaP
This card has an b-cable instead of a b-box... So no b-box what so ever will you connect to this card. You connect the mixer to the card. It's not the best card to record acoutic drums because it only has 2 analog inputs. You can get max 4 inputs if you route 2 channels trough S/PDIF...


say i have a 16 channel mackie, recording acoustic drums. i want all tracks to be recorded simultaneously and separated in the multitracking software.

how can i accomplish this? A/D D/A converter? if that's correct, does anyone have any suggestions for converters?
Originally posted by scarr3d

say i have a 16 channel mackie, recording acoustic drums. i want all tracks to be recorded simultaneously and separated in the multitracking software.

how can i accomplish this? A/D D/A converter? if that's correct, does anyone have any suggestions for converters?

Well... Then you would have to get two of these


More info here

There are some more affordable 8 in / 8 out cards but I don't remember any of them right now...
Originally posted by npearce
I have a question about software. I'm looking for something in the $250 or less range. I've tried a Cool Edit 2.0 demo. I want to try Cakewalk Home Studio XL, but I still need to download a demo for it. I want to make sure the software has drum loops. What does everybody recommend. Also, I know it's probably illegal, but is there somewhere I can get this software for free?
I can help you:
Some of the sites maybe will be unavailable...
but you can find everything you need...
there's some more if you want :) :) :)
About the drum loops program - check out ACID Pro - I do all my drums with it...