Another fatality on the road


Division Vocalist
Feb 20, 2004
The Don and Mike Show's leading man, Don Geronimo, lost his wife to a car accident on Sunday. Geronimo (real name - Mike Source) and partner Mike O'Meara are off the air until further notice. Freda Wright-Source was killed when a Ford Explorer jumped the median trying to avoid a separate accident and struck her Lexus SC 430.

Link to the article here:

For fans of the Don and Mike show, this is a huge tragedy. We send our best to the family and friends of the show and Mr. Source, as well as their son, Bart.
I've just started listening to Don and Mike on my work commute home. Those guys really crack me up - it almost makes traffic jams home enjoyable, as that means I get to laugh my ass off for a few extra minutes.

I hear them bring up Freda's death every now and then and I've wondered what happened to her, since they don't go into detail. I thought how it was cool how the topic of the trajedy can come up and they can talk about it.... the mourning, the moving on, etc. Maybe briefly... but still the fact that they get personal on the air is nice.