Another free plug "Mono Bass" and 30 day code for Groove 3


Metal from the Heartland
Jun 28, 2007
Topeka, KS

Don't know anything about it, just appeared in my in box this morning. Sounds interesting though, and the guy that makes it does some good stuff.

From the site:

Having a nice wide stereo spread is great, expect for when we are talking about low frequencies. Mono Bass fixes the wide bass problem by collapsing your low frequencies to mono. Just set your frequency, and everything below that is brought to the center.

Most of the time the effect is quite subtle (or at least it should be if your mix isn’t completely out of wack) but it definitely solidifies the low end and fixes a lot of the awkwardness of extreme panning on headphones.

Just for added measure, we added a width knob to the higher frequencies.

Free 30 day pass to Groove 3 ( use promo code boz30. Lots of cool video tutorials on just about all the main audio companies plus basic recording, mixing and mastering videos as well.


Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.
Thanks for the tip RVS. I've been looking for a free RTAS that does exactly this for sometime.