Another great Joey interview

Anthrax is known for bringing a sense of humor to metal. You smile once in awhile.
That’s one thing with Anthrax that I didn’t see when they did the [John] Bush thing. Everything was stoic as all hell, and it wasn’t the same at all. this part...
I find all the Joey interviews the same. I mean, all the time he goes on how they should have never fired him in the first place, and then goes to how there was no record prior him coming back to the band, just a bunch of rough demos. Which is not true.
I find all the Joey interviews the same. I mean, all the time he goes on how they should have never fired him in the first place, and then goes to how there was no record prior him coming back to the band, just a bunch of rough demos. Which is not true.

I agree with this to a certain extent. I think he should tone down the rhetoric a bit now; if he keeps this up in every interview, it can be perceived as "whiny" and in a worst case scenario stir up some bad blood. I'd get tired of it pretty quick if I was one of his bandmates, at least.

On the other hand, though; I'd like to see his cover band! Sounds like a fun night out! :headbang:
Yep, he comes across a bit bitter, but after the bands track record, can you really blame the bloke?!

I still think that I bring that same kind of thing to the band at this point in time, but I don’t set out to be that way. That’s just the nature of how you want to be — if your personality is a little bit witty and open to just enjoying yourself. I just feel better doing that.

This is what i love about joey - he comes across as a bit of a goofball on stage but you cant help but be sucked in by it!
i agree to a certain extent,joey should let the music do the talking although he has bragging rights because the record does kick alot af ass,no one can deny that,even the die hard bush supporters would have trouble saying bush could do a better job on worship music.
I don't think he's being bitter. He's just stating what he thought. Things can be taken out of context when only reading an interview.
It seems that with every interview Joey is more open about how he feels about the time he was not in the band. I guess it's his right to speak his mind, but it does seem like he's bitter about the past. Which again is his right, but I wish he'd just let it go.

If I don't get to see Anthrax live because of this, people will die! PEOPLE WILL DIE!

yeah he has been doing a lot of giving out about old times which he should be forgetting about by now, i think he feels he can keep saying stuff about how he was fucked around and keep on getting away with it, which he knows he can cause they need him more than ever now, i personally dont think he would have pulled off sown as good as john, and im more of a fan of joey than john, :kickass:
I find all the Joey interviews the same. I mean, all the time he goes on how they should have never fired him in the first place, and then goes to how there was no record prior him coming back to the band, just a bunch of rough demos. Which is not true.

There may have been an album finished initially but perhaps he was only given rough demos (i.e a riff and drums only in some cases) to work from since. Perhaps he never heard the "finished album" from 2 years ago, who knows?

Considering the history of this band, one can't fault Joey in telling the "bitter" (doesn't sound bitter to me though) truth when interviewers constantly remind him how long its been since Anthrax recorded an album with him or ask him how the split occurred.