Another Iommi record

Well I'm still skeptic regarding the 96 sessions, and his solo "Iommi" album is cute by momentes at the most. But since time has passed and both are experienced mature musicians, and moreover since "Seventh Star" is a goddamn good album, I'll be willing to give them a try on new material :D
Wyvern said:
Well I'm still skeptic regarding the 96 sessions, and his solo "Iommi" album is cute by momentes at the most. But since time has passed and both are experienced mature musicians, and moreover since "Seventh Star" is a goddamn good album, I'll be willing to give them a try on new material :D
I think this record that they have been working on should be pretty decent.
I have yet to pick up the Dep '96 disc. I'm holding out for a used copy, until then I refuse to ever hear a sample of that record. I heard the Iommi solo record with all the different singers...
It was "okay" but nothing that grabbed me & made me want to buy
the record...
sixxswine said:
I heard the Iommi solo record with all the different singers...
It was "okay" but nothing that grabbed me & made me want to buy
the record...
I did got it, and dissapointed me a lot, lots of Panterishsm, mallcoristical vibes and alternative sounds. I can save fairly the songs with Ozzy (of course), Skin, Billy Corgan and Billy Idol, the rest are fillers, and the one with Rollins just baaaaad!
Wyvern said:
I did got it, and dissapointed me a lot, lots of Panterishsm, mallcoristical vibes and alternative sounds. I can save fairly the songs with Ozzy (of course), Skin, Billy Corgan and Billy Idol, the rest are fillers, and the one with Rollins just baaaaad!
I enjoyed the Idol & Ozzy tracks, those were stand outs!
Wyvern said:
I did got it, and dissapointed me a lot, lots of Panterishsm, mallcoristical vibes and alternative sounds. I can save fairly the songs with Ozzy (of course), Skin, Billy Corgan and Billy Idol, the rest are fillers, and the one with Rollins just baaaaad!
You didnt like Laughing Man in the Devil Mask? Thats a great song. Another good one is with Peter Steele.
sixxswine said:
Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiista Crowwwwwwwwwwwwley, Peter Steele's style
of singing(?) is an acquired taste. Unless, you like what he does, I doubt
you'll dig the track... That's just my take on it.
His style of singing with Carnivore and Iommi is totally different then with Type O.
I dind't like much the Steele song, and the Type O Negative cover of 'Black Sabbath' is amusing, but nothing to die for. Again the only again I can't digest from "Iommi" is the one with Rollins. I believe Iommi made the same sin as Grohl did with Probot try to cover too many stuff in one album, you can't give everybody everything all the time. You have to compromise, "Seventh Star" to me is the real solo Iommi album, it was different enough from Black Sabbath while still cohesive to one type of music. If it's for me the next can be SV-2 :D
The "Iommi" disk never really caught my interest.... I wish they had just picked one singer for the whole disk, so that there is some cohesiveness; instead of going for the rotating all-star lineup approach.

Anyway... definately looking forward to the supposed new Iommi + Hughes cd. Would have been better if it was Iommi + Martin or Iommi + Dio, but we know that's never gonna happen again. I'll take what I can get!
sixxswine said:
I guess he's sick of waiting around for Ozzy to make another record...

I wouldn't blame him if he is. Looks like Mr. Osbourne is still busy cashing all those MTV checks :loco:

Wyvern said:
I did got it, and dissapointed me a lot, lots of Panterishsm, mallcoristical vibes and alternative sounds. I can save fairly the songs with Ozzy (of course), Skin, Billy Corgan and Billy Idol, the rest are fillers, and the one with Rollins just baaaaad!

'Flame On' is the best one IMO. The one with Billy Corgan sounds good up until he starts singing :puke:
Abryl said:
I wouldn't blame him if he is. Looks like Mr. Osbourne is still busy cashing all those MTV checks.
Well, have you seen that Battle for Ozzfest show?
I like the amusing stunts they have the people do.
I have a problem with the pool of bands that they chose.
Could they have picked anymore generic & unoriginal sounding bands?!:yuk:
Oh, well Sharon is great at pitching show ideas to MTV & they will keep cranking them out.
I kinda saw the first one, when they picked the bands. I agree they all sound terrible, little Lamb Of God abortions. I haven't seen anything after that, but I heard Rob Halford will be on the next one, so might be worth checking out.
Sharon is to metal, like sugar is to diabetics