Another Life

Rushanne, its gonna be released asap, we work hardly trust us! I know its a pain in the ass to w8 but lawyers are so fucking slow, we r w8 for every documents for months... and w/o this papers factories won't start print CDs. We r loosing money with all this delays but can't do anything:( building a SERIOUS label in these days of internet piracy and illegal downloading, cd-r buring it take A LOT of time! we are here to STAY!
Rushanne, its gonna be released asap, we work hardly trust us! I know its a pain in the ass to w8 but lawyers are so fucking slow, we r w8 for every documents for months... and w/o this papers factories won't start print CDs. We r loosing money with all this delays but can't do anything:(

Be more specific. Bands press and release their own CDs all the time (I'm not talking CDrs either), so what is in this paperwork?

building a SERIOUS label in these days of internet piracy and illegal downloading, cd-r buring it take A LOT of time! we are here to STAY!

Curious... why would the presence of the internet cause the delay? I can see how perhaps a label would have to lower sales expectations, but delay releases?
Does record company finance touring these days ? Thats news to me :)
Of course we need them. Who else can re-package, remaster and re-release old records for the 526373 time and fool old, conservative, record buyers like myself to buy it ? :lol: