Another mix critique request...

Is there no bass in the mix? or if there is, it's really lost in the mix. Otherwise sounds good man. Now it needs some growls and some kickass solos!
cobhc said:
Is there no bass in the mix? or if there is, it's really lost in the mix. Otherwise sounds good man. Now it needs some growls and some kickass solos!

Yeah, there's bass there... I can hear it fairly clearly too, particularly in the middle section, but maybe that's just because I know it's there... :)

If I had a vocal mic and the ability to play solos, I'd be right with you on your other suggestions!
dill_the_devil said:
Yeah, there's bass there... I can hear it fairly clearly too, particularly in the middle section, but maybe that's just because I know it's there... :)

If I had a vocal mic and the ability to play solos, I'd be right with you on your other suggestions!

I can hear the bass clearly, but it's not adding anything to the tune. What I mean by that is, it sounds like a plain old direct bass track. It's far too weak for the style of music, IMO.
dill_the_devil said:
Yeah, I've never been particularly happy with my bass tones - can't seem to get anything particularly usable out of the Guitarport, regardless of tweaking. Any tricks/tips anyone could suggest would be appreciated greatly... :)

I have tried everything I know to get a decent bass sound with Amplitube, and in the end, what got me a decent direct tone was putting a C4 on the bass track itself and tweaking to taste, I then ran the bass track to a submix bus (you don't have to do this, but I do it for ease of mixing) in which there was a PSP Vintage Warmer plugin assigned.