Another new guy with question


Oct 20, 2005
Hello everyone. Shane here. Im fairly new to recording by myself. Im the guy you give a guitar, press record, and let fly. Ive recently started a small studio in my basment and am trying to get my project up and running. I have cakewalk and acid music programs to work with. Im sure everyone is very familiar with these. One question, is it better to run direct into the computer or to mic the cab? The problem Im having is when I mic and record I get a very low very muffled sound (bassy and fuzzy). You can hear whats happening but its not at all descent. And of course the more tracks the worse it gets. Im just clueless because all this is new to me. Also when tracks are ready to be tweaked, whats the normal or first few steps to mixing tracks, Compression, eq, ect.... Basically anyone whos familiar with these I need schooled. Thanks and glad to be here! :rock: