Another new Maiden track available


Apr 13, 2001
Visit site
On of official Iron Maiden page there's a link to "Different World", if anyone's interested.

For mine, it's interesting. Kinda the Maiden you'd expect with no great suprises, but with some "AOR" elements thrown in. Nothing really controversial at all. It's growing on me.

There's a better term than "AOR", I'm sure, but I can't think what it should be. Just like regular classic radio rock, or something. Mainly how Bruce is singing. Not always up in his air-raid-siren yelling range.
I think its pretty sad that a new maiden track only elicits a few responses around here nowadays..

I like it, but I think i'm one of the more easily please maiden fans.
I checked out Benjamin Breeg and I quite liked it.

However... I reckon I'll wait for the album instead of checking out any more online. I'm not sure why though... I guess I want to hear the whole album fresh and new at the same time or something.
Arcane said:
I think its pretty sad that a new maiden track only elicits a few responses around here nowadays..

If I had broadband I would have listened to it and reported on it by now. :)

I think I'd like to hear the whole album fresh as well.